
Jiro Dreams of Sushi

4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 563個の評価

新品 中古品
DVD, 2012/7/24 字幕付き, インポート
¥2,593 ¥1,389
ジャンル Special Interests
フォーマット インポート, 字幕付き
コントリビュータ David Gelb, Jiro Ono, Takashi Ono, Yamamoto Mas, Masuhiro Yamamoto, Tom Pellegrini, Kevin Iwashina, Yoshikazu Ono 表示を増やす
言語 日本語
ディスク枚数 1
冬物ファッション・アウトドアグッズ、乾燥対策商品などお出かけの必需品をはじめ、DVD、おもちゃ・ゲーム、卓上調理器などのおうちグッズ、グルメ、レジャー、バレンタイン関連商品など、冬を満喫する豊富なアイテムがよりどり2点以上で5%OFF。 対象商品はこちら


JIRO DREAMS OF SUSHI is the story of 85 year-old Jiro Ono, considered by many to be the worlds greatest sushi chef. He is the proprietor of Sukiyabashi Jiro, a 10-seat, sushi-only restaurant inauspiciously located in a Tokyo subway station. Despite it's humble appearances, it is the first restaurant of it's kind to be awarded a prestigious 3 star Michelin review, and sushi lovers from around the globe make repeated pilgrimage, calling months in advance and shelling out top dollar for a coveted seat at Jiros sushi bar. For most of his life, Jiro has been mastering the art of making sushi, but even at his age he sees himself still striving for perfection, working from sunrise to well beyond sunset to taste every piece of fish; meticulously train his employees; and carefully mold and finesse the impeccable presentation of each sushi creation. At the heart of this story is Jiros relationship with his eldest son Yoshikazu, the worthy heir to Jiros legacy, who is unable to live up to his full potential in his fathers shadow. The feature film debut of director David Gelb, JIRO DREAMS OF SUSHI is a thoughtful and elegant meditation on work, family, and the art of perfection, chronicling Jiros life as both an unparalleled success in the culinary world, and a loving yet complicated father.


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 1.78 x 19.05 x 13.72 cm; 60 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ Magnolia Home Ent
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0876964004732
  • 商品モデル番号 ‏ : ‎ 25334424
  • オリジナル盤発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2012
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ Magnolia Home Ent
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B007UW9WOQ
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.2 5つ星のうち4.2 563個の評価






お客様はこの映画について、以下のような評価をしています: 職人の意気を感じ、古きよき職人文化を感じられる作品だと感じています。職人の仕事の哲学や、プロフェッショナル集団を眼にするのは実に愉しいと述べています。 ドキュメンタリー的な内容で、退屈せずに見ていられる点を高く評価しています。 描写がリアルで、爽快感を与え、きめ細やかさが伝わってくるという意見が多くあります。 テンポ感や爽快感があり、フランス料理の最高シェフも唸らせるほどです。




"職人ってこういうこと考えてるのか。 ってことを感じました。 見てよかった! 全ての仕事に通じる物がある。" もっと読む

"Very Speedy Service & High Quality!" もっと読む

"職人の一途な仕事に対する真摯な姿勢は、どんな仕事の人でも見習うものあり。" もっと読む

"職人の意気を感じた。小さな寿司屋がピラミッドになっている。すばらしい" もっと読む



"職人として道を究めようとする人のドキュメンタリーな感じでとても面白かった。 ただ普通の食事ではない、3万円からの値段といい別世界の話。 私としては安い大衆食堂でお客さんの為に、儲けもなく頑張ってる職人さんの方がカッコイイと思っています。..." もっと読む

"職人ってこういうこと考えてるのか。 ってことを感じました。 見てよかった! 全ての仕事に通じる物がある。" もっと読む

"...過激な出来事が起こらない現実社会を描写した映像を、退屈せずに見ていられる ここに、監督が作品完成のイメージを確固として持ちながら、且つ、撮影した素材を、そのイメージに合致するよう編集した妙が感じられる..." もっと読む

"...個人的には音楽マニアの私的に言うと「マイケル・ジャクソン BADのすべて」は秀逸なドキュメンタリーだけど、「二郎は鮨の夢を見る。」には敵わない。それほど面白いですよ。さすがに海外で興行収入300万ドル(日本円にして約3億円)を超えたと言われるのも頷ける。..." もっと読む



"...”すきやばし次郎”を舞台にしたドキュメンタリー映画で、魚市場の仲買人や精米店の店主、料理評論家、店舗の従業員等様々な人の思惑やかかわりを丁寧に描いた良質な作品だった。..." もっと読む

"...これが最高峰の寿司だ!と賛辞するようなつくりではなく、彼らしさをそのまま描いていてよかったです。 二郎ってほんとうにシンプルなお寿司屋さんなんですね。 今まで勘違いしていました。 弟子の皆さんの志望動機をきいて親近感を覚えてしまったり・・・。..." もっと読む

"...鮨を握る。板場に立つ、全ての所作が美しい。考えてみれば二か月前からしか予約しないと食べれない上、最低金額が30,000円から、酒を飲まずに寿司だけつまんでいたら20分で食事は終了する(笑)これで30,000円をとれる事は、満足出来なければ次に繋がらないだろう。..." もっと読む

"世界基準でも認められる日本の「一流」が何か、そこにたどり着くまでの人間ドラマ含めて描かれている作品。 ドキュメンタリー作品なので、描写がとてもリアルです。" もっと読む



"...映画の背景には種々のBGMが断続的に流れており、映像のアンサンブルが心地よいテンポでつながれており、寿司ネタの不足が象徴する環境問題にも話が及び、1軒の寿司屋の物語から様々な話が紡がれていく。 外国人監督の目から見た寿司職人を捉えた題材は、非常に興味深く見ることが出来た。" もっと読む

"楽しめました。 仕事に対する姿勢に感嘆する監督の心意気が詰まっています。" もっと読む

"...ここの職人の修業は、魚の捌き10年の後、卵焼六ケ月である。 おまかせコースで3万円、お客さんによっては15分で終わる。ただ、満足感はこの上ない。 フランス料理の最高シェフを唸らせる。 築地の目利きであるプロ達も登場する。..." もっと読む

"...見えないところでのこだわりや、老舗ならではの作法など、とてもアメリカ人監督が撮ったとは思えない、きめ細やかさ。ビデオの仕様が日本対応でないことだけが・・。日本の誇る文化の記録映像として残すべき作品。" もっと読む



"たしかに、つまみを楽しんだり、わがままに注文する客には、向かないときいていた。 でも、ここまで洗練させて、シンプルに寿司=日本のファーストフードを上等にしあげるには、 長年の付き合いや、苦労があったんだ。息子さん達も立派。 いつか、食べに行きたい。" もっと読む

"小野さんの生き方、仕事に向き合う姿勢がとても勉強になりました。またその周りで働く職人、仲卸業者さんたちもこだわりを持った仕事人で、その辺の話も少し出てくるので大変興味深く拝見しました。何度も見てしまう映画です!" もっと読む

"道を究めることを学ぶ..." もっと読む

上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

  • 2013年9月27日に日本でレビュー済み
    世界的に評価の高い銀座“すきやばし次郎”の店主 小野二郎さんをアメリカ人監督のデヴィッド・ゲルブが


    小野禎一さん、 小野隆士さん、旧知の間柄の料理評論家 山本益博さんの解説を交え“すきやばし次郎”の

    職人仕事をそこで働く弟子達、食材を調達する業者 の証言も踏まえ深く掘り下げてる。一握りの鮨が握られ













    インタビュ− 更にデヴィッド・ゲルブ監督来日時インタビューでの小野二郎さんの魅力を余す事無く語られ


  • 2023年6月16日に日本でレビュー済み










  • 2023年8月16日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2022年12月12日に日本でレビュー済み
    Watch this before you visit sukiyabashi jiro hotan. You will have better experience.
  • 2022年6月29日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2022年7月10日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2022年8月22日に日本でレビュー済み
  • 2013年1月5日に日本でレビュー済み
    A fine documentary with some beautiful cinematography, in-depth interviews, and, primarily, a heart warming personal study of a food obsessive.

    Jiro is a driven man, a man driven to distraction by the drive for perfection. It's a wonderful film that does so much more than merely celebrate Jiro by also providing a commentary on a dying breed of Japanese artists/artisans. It's hard to imagine the shallow, vapid and consumer obsessed youth of Japan emulating the greatness and perfection of men like Jiro; a man of another age, a different time, motivated by values long since vanished.


  • carla giannotti
    5つ星のうち5.0 Eccellente
    Ho erroneamente scritto una recensione pessima per questo venditore che è invece risultato eccellente, ho rimosso la valutazione erronea ma, a quanto ne so, risulta sempre visibile nonostante l’app non mi dia più la possibilità di rimuoverla, tutto quello che posso fare per il venditore, ripeto eccellente, è questo
  • Marine
    5つ星のうち4.0 A voir
    Un très joli film sur une leçon de vie faite à la fois d'humilité et d'une grande ambition.
    Un seul regret pour ceux qui ne parlent pas anglais: pas de sous-titres français.
  • Miguel Vázquez García
    5つ星のうち5.0 El arte empieza donde la técnica acaba.
    Erich Fromm, proponía cuatro requisitos para el dominio de cualquier arte: Disciplina, concentración, paciencia e interés supremo, y el aprendizaje de otros conocimientos que no tienen directamente que ver con el arte que se aprende. David Gelb no pretende que aprendamos a hacer sushi, sino que nos acerquemos a la difícil facilidad con la que Jiro enseña el arte de hacer sushi. Con su participación en este film, hace un homenaje externo de respeto a los comensales del Sukiyabashi Jiro. El rito no es racional ni irracional, forma parte consustancial de la naturaleza ceremonial del ser humano, es decir, iniciática. Y en ello se emplea el Maestro Jiro durante los 82 minutos de la grabación, con todo el aparato y solemnidad que le corresponde, mostrándonos cómo ha convertido el oficio en arte: reverenciando y dando honor a los asuntos profanos del mundo.
  • Riverbank
    5つ星のうち5.0 I dream of Jiro's Sushi
    This movie is a feast for the senses, a carefully crafted study of the 85 year old Sushi Master, Jiro Ono, and the son who will some day inherit his father's position as the chief chef of one of the finest sushi restaurants in Japan. The director, David Gelb, helps us examine the refined skills of a man who has dedicated his life to the art of making and presenting the tastiest sushi to his customers and to the passing on of that art to his two sons and to the men who work alongside them. The movie invites us into a world where a lifetime can be spent in learning to recognize the highest quality of fish and rice. Every shot of the restaurant and the chefs who work there helps us understand why customers come from all over the world to visit this tiny Sushi Bar in the basement of a Tokyo office tower.
    Jiro's sushi is not the North American sushi we know. This is sushi as an art, the crowning creation of a brilliant man. At the same time, this is still simple sushi - food that nurtures, pleases taste buds, and fills stomachs.
    The film was made with the same kind of diligence as the sushi. While the movie watcher learns along with the son, the movie is more than just an introduction to sushi making. The story follows Jiro from his carefree boyhood days to the present when Jiro still 'dreams of sushi' and tries to make it better each day. Jiro's son struggles to remake his father's dream into his own. And the viewers, whether they ever get to visit Tokyo or Jiro's restaurant, share those dreams and begin to understand the drive for perfection that can make the dreams come true.
  • M-W
    5つ星のうち5.0 It's not about sushi
    Some movies conduct business on more than one level. For example, "Groundhog Day" is seen by most as a cute 7-star comedy as indicated by the majority of comments I ever hear about it. But there is also a minority, myself included, who see it more as a film about philosophy that explores interesting "what if" questions, like what if you had forever to turn yourself into anything you could possibly imagine? I don't know which was the filmmaker's intent, but that is what I have taken away from the first time I saw it, and what has been reinforced over the dozens of times I have watched it since. In the same light, there are many who will see "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" and conclude it is another long-hair art-house documentary about sushi. Again, there is a minority that instead will believe what they have seen is a privileged glimpse into an exceedingly rare level of excellence... and passionate unwavering dedication... and scholarship... and the extraordinary work that can be accomplished by relentless consideration of what you do and how you do it. Like Groundhog Day, I see JDOS as being much more about philosophy than being about just what the camera happens to be pointed at while the ideas are being explored, and that it succeeds so perfectly on this higher level, that I must conclude that the latter was the filmmaker's intent from the start.

    Jiro is an 85 year old man who has been a sushi chef since he was a young apprentice. He operates a very small but world-renown sushi restaurant in the Ginza section of Tokyo. The film attempts, successfully I think, to give you an idea of how Jiro's craft evolved to where it is today... not so much by showing you a digest of his accumulated methods that comprise what might be called his mastery, but by exploring how he thinks about it and how that differs from the way the rest of would. The films reveals a singular, all-encompassing dedication to the perfection of his craft that is simply awe-inspiring and will quickly cause any Jesuit to feel like a slacker. It reveals a practitioner who has personally transcended the superlatives, acknowledgements and awards though he has been declared a Living Treasure of Japan and holds a highest possible Michelin rating of three stars, among many other honors. It reveals a man that continues to work to understand and achieve perfection with every tiny act. JDOS is about the pursuit of excellence... not about how to make sushi.

    The nature of excellence, as well as the tools to understand, recognize, and cultivate it have been increasingly at the core of my own philosophical interests over the last decade or so. For example, seeing the commonalities in how a Julliard musical prodigy and a world-class police motorcycle rider.. or the world's greatest sushi chef.. think about and pursue advancing their respective crafts is fascinating on its own, but also I think, instructive in improving at my own pursuits. Anders Ericson's work on giftedness and expert performance, echoed into the mainstream in Malcolm Gladwell's "10,0000-hour rule" for world-class expertise in "Outliers", is a connection I think some will make to JDOS. The research indicates that most world-class practitioners, from Olympic athletes to leading neurosurgeons to everything else strongly tend to have at least 10,000 hours of hard practice behind them. Like the sign just before you board many amusement rides, It takes this much to be "world class".

    While such people are both rare and extraordinary in what they have achieved, as I get older, the idea of what 25,000 or 50,000-hour expertise can yeild and where it may be found is even more riveting. Simple math, and the underlying story from JDOS lead me to conclude Jiro can correctly be considered to be at least a 50,000-hour practitioner... beyond "merely" meeting the definition of world-class, and I stand in total awe. In Groundhog Day, the circumstances of Phil Connors life... repeating the opportunity to further refine who he was.. ultimately yielded an unimaginable ability to contribute to the day in which he was stuck. It all came from the evolution of his point of view over an unknown but very, very long period of time... at least decades, maybe thousands of years...who knows? I think Jiro is as close to a real-world Phil Connors as I will ever know of, and that is meant in the best possible sense. I want to know more.

    Because of this, I feel this film has value beyond "just entertainment" or art. I don't think an everyday outsider can truly see a craft the way a dedicated practitioner sees it, or even how to move toward it if they are interested. But they can get little insights.. glimpses... clues... behaviors... points of view... standards... confirmation that they do think about their work differently, and maybe even show you a little of the flavor of some of those differences. A real-life, late-stage Phil Connors would be an amazing advancement of uncommon high-road post-Jesuit human pursuit... an invaluable example for some people to understand if they existed beyond the realm of the thought experiment. I feel this film documents that point of "what is possible" and a little of how it's possible, from which those who are inclined toward excellence can experience that truly invaluable take-away. The effect 90 minutes of exposure to Jiro's belief system could be at least called usable encouragement, and quite possibly mentoring.

    Having said this, JDOS also works as a film... I never noticed the movie-making decisions/execution, or the selection of content or the pacing. I just noticed Jiro's philosophy, and for that, I must give enormous credit to the film maker. He got out of the way completely and let Jiro and his philosophy exist without the distraction of film-making. I can only imagine how James Cameron would completely and thoroughly butcher the subject.

    Before I saw "Jiro Dreams of Sushi", 5 of the 630 movies I have rated carried 10 stars. Now there are 6. I have always held a special reverence for "On Any Sunday"... I consider it to be the most important film I had seen in my first 50 years for the extraordinary gift of a life-long passion it bestowed upon me. I live a richer life everyday because I saw it. Again, I am fortunate to have encountered a film that can affect my life at that level... I think Jiro is the most important film I've ever seen since OAS in 1971 because of how it it clarifies and reinforces some of the most important philosophies and ethics I hold. It's not for everyone, but for some, it will be amazing.