
Ascending To Infinity

4.7 5つ星のうち4.7 116個の評価

新品 中古品
CD, CD, インポート, 2012/6/25 CD, インポート
¥1,596 ¥628

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タイムセール、キャンペーン、クーポン、在庫処分ワゴンセール、バーゲン品、廉価版など、お買い得商品がもりだくさん。 ⇒いますぐチェック


  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 12.7 x 13.97 x 0.79 cm; 104.33 g
  • メーカー ‏ : ‎ Nuclear Blast
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 0796841761506, 0727361285722
  • 商品モデル番号 ‏ : ‎ 25350935
  • レーベル ‏ : ‎ Nuclear Blast
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B007XU0N1G
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    4.7 5つ星のうち4.7 116個の評価





上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

BONUS DVDはPAL方式での収録で、日本で一般的なNTSC方式ではありません。

形式: PAL
言語: 英語 PCM 2.0ch
字幕: なし
リージョンコード: ALL
画面サイズ: 16:9
時間: 67 分

[INTERVIEW]Sebastian Roeder (08:51)
[INTERVIEW]Luca Turilli (19:40)
[INTERVIEW]Alessandro Conti (09:15)
[INTERVIEW]Dominique Leurquin (04:45)
[INTERVIEW]Patrice Guers (05:53)
[DRUM IMPROVISATION]Alex Landenburg (03:34)
先にレビューされた方が詳しく書かれていて参考にさせて頂きました。 素晴らしい演奏と、楽曲&アレンジで本当に格好よいです!! 個人的に7曲目などは素晴らしくて好きな曲です。

ただ、ドラムの音がもう少し大きくてもよいかなぁ〜とも思いました。 (DVDの再生…共通なのか?など、知識不足だったと思いますが)DVDが見れなかったことだけが残念(∋_∈)
正直、新VO"Alessandro Conti"の力量には驚きました!前所属バンド「Trick Or Treat」での活動では"HELLOWEEN"フォロワー的キャッチーな音楽、マイケル・キスクを意識させる歌い方をしており「確かに上手だけど・・・LUCA名義の新RHAPSODYのVOが務まるのかな?」なんて思ってました・・・が!!これほどまで音域の幅を持った歌い方、LUCAの音楽に合う歌い方をするVOは他に務まる適任者はいないのでは?(言い過ぎかもしれませんが)と正直思いました!!


曲の方は「LUCAワールド全開!!」メロディーでLUCAがROFから分裂したと知らなければ「Luca Turilliのソロアルバム4Th!」と言っても分からないと思います。疾走曲が全体を占める割合が少ない気がしますが、独特の世界観を独特な音使いで本アルバムでも表現しきっています!


本作でのボートラ「March Of Time(HELLOWEEN COVER)」はAlessandroが前所属バンドにて『HELLOWEEN」的な音楽、マイケル・キスクを彷彿とさせる歌い方をしている事、ROF並びにLuca Turilliとして「HELLOWEEN TRIBUTE」に参加している程「HELLOWEEN」を敬している事、全ての重なり合いによりボートラに適しているという事で選曲されたのではないかと個人的には思いました!!




5つ星のうち5.0 Un voyage majestueux dans le monde du metal symphonique épique
"Ascending to Infinity" de Rhapsody est un véritable chef-d'œuvre qui transporte les auditeurs dans un voyage grandiose à travers les royaumes du metal symphonique épique. En tant que fan du genre, j'ai été totalement captivé par les mélodies envoûtantes de l'album, les voix puissantes et les arrangements orchestraux époustouflants.

Dès le premier morceau, l'album vous plonge dans un univers de fantasy et d'aventure. Chaque chanson raconte une histoire unique, peuplée de créatures mythiques, de batailles épiques et de paysages magiques. L'association d'éléments symphoniques, de guitares aériennes et de voix intenses crée une ambiance envoûtante et transportante.

Les compositions sont d'une grande richesse et d'une grande variété, avec des passages rapides et énergiques alternant avec des moments plus calmes et atmosphériques. Les musiciens de Rhapsody démontrent une virtuosité exceptionnelle, tant dans l'exécution des parties instrumentales que dans l'interprétation vocale.

Les paroles, empreintes de poésie et d'évocation, renforcent l'aspect narratif de l'album. Elles transportent l'auditeur dans un univers imaginaire riche en émotions et en sensations. Les thèmes abordés, tels que la lutte entre le bien et le mal, la quête de liberté et la recherche de soi, résonnent profondément et donnent une dimension supplémentaire à l'ensemble.

En résumé, "Ascending to Infinity" de Rhapsody est un album incontournable pour les amateurs de metal symphonique épique. Avec sa production soignée, ses mélodies entraînantes et ses arrangements orchestraux magnifiques, il offre une expérience musicale immersive et passionnante. Que vous soyez fan de Rhapsody ou simplement curieux de découvrir ce genre musical, cet album vous transportera dans un univers sonore grandiose et captivant.
5つ星のうち5.0 Luca non delude nemmeno da solista
Che dire, Luca Turilli non delude nemmeno da solista. Un album a livello di quelli prodotti con la sua band madre, i Rhapsody of fire. E anche in questo album solista Luca ci regala la consueta song in italiano, "Tormento e passione" interpretata magistralmente da Alessandro Conti. Bellissima!!!! Grande Luca e grande Alessandro!!!!!!
André Plante Ph.D
5つ星のうち5.0 The best Raphsody album
Their best album!
Arnold Van Etten
5つ星のうち5.0 Awesome, a promising future for Luca and company
So, this is my 1st review ever. Thought I'd give a little history first. After exploring the entire Rhapsody of Fire discography, they have become one of my favorite bands ever, some of their best works being Power of the Dragonflame( or pretty much anything from The Emerald Sword Saga ) and Frozen Tears of Angels, IMO ( although all of their albums are amazing ). Been listening to them for a few years now and there are very few bands out there than match the epicness and virtuosity of RoF. A bit fanboyish, I'll admit but anyways, moving on. I'll admit I was a bit nervous when I heard Luca left to form his own version of the band, now known as Luca Turilli's Rhapsody. Seen as a fresh new start for Luca Turilli so he can fufull his musical visions, he most certainly delivers here, delivering some of his best work to date. I've given this album a few spins already and am loving it, and now that I've had some time to let it settle in, I'd put it on the same level as the albums I mentioned above. So how would I describe this album? Well if you're at all familiar with RoF, then you already know what to expect. You've got the neoclassical melodic guitar solos and speedy riffs by Luca, as he delivers some of his best work to date. You've got the latin choirs and the big orchestral sounds, so it doesn't stray too far from the typical Rhapsody sound. But there are a few twists throughout the album, there are a few new things, like some electronic sounds throughout the album and as heard on Quantum X, almost sounds like techno. And on the song Dante's Inferno, there's a part that sounds kind of alien. I cant quite explain it, but it sounds space-y. The beginning of Clash of the Titans has some police sirens at the beginning. Overall it's the same Rhapsody, with a few new tricks. Also, the narration returns on this album, and it sounds like the narration to a movie trailer or something like that( of course this is coming from Luca's passion for cinematic scores) but thankfully he struck a good balance with it and kept to a minimum. My biggest worry was who could Luca find to sing for the band. Fabio Lione ( vocalist in RoF ) is one of the best vocalists in power metal, so those are some big shoes to fill. Thankfully, Luca hired Alessandro Conti and he is a damn good vocalist, plain and simple. His vocal style fits like a glove. He reminds me a lot of Fabio and can hit those high, soaring vocals no problem. As for the songs themselves, they are really good. Rather than explain each song, I'll just say they mostly fall into fast tempo songs with lots of solos with a few slower songs in between. I found myself listening to the whole album from start to finish and just getting lost in the music. If I had to pick the absolute best songs, I'd have to say Excalibur, Tormento E Passione, Dark Fate of Atlantis ( a fast and heavy song ), their cover of Helloween's March of Time, and the 16-minute epic, Of Michael the Archangel and Lucifer's Fall. Really, the whole album is fantastic, but if I had to pick one weak link, it's the song Luna. Not necessarily a bad song, but it seems a bit out of place having a pop-ish ballad in the middle of the maelstrom of fast solos and speedy riffs. It doesnt stand out like the rest of the songs on here. Other than that, this is an excellent album and it'll be in rotation for a long time. Can't wait to see what Luca will come up for the next one and to see what RoF will come up with, the bar has been set pretty high. Check out some of those songs and if you like them, you should pick this album up, these guys really deserve the support. If your into symphonic power metal/ progressive metal, definitely pick this one up. I give this one an excellent 9/10, or 4.5 stars.
5つ星のうち5.0 one of the best albums ever!
I listened to some snippets from this CD, and, because they sounded amazing, I bought the album, not really knowing what to expect, and totally fell in love with it. There is not a single bad song on here, in fact there is not a single simply ok song on here... they are all masterpieces! The sound, as Luca Turilli's Rhapsody have been promoting, really is cinematic, and the entire album is just perfect. Even the cover song, Luna, was already one of my favourite classical songs! I have to mention Alessandro Conti, the singer, because he is one of the best I have ever heard! Somehow Luca Turilli's music makes him sound even better, I think the two were made for each other! My absolute favourites are Tormento e Passione (a beautiful and dramatic duet that really shows off Conti's singing abilities) and Of Michael the Archangel and Lucifer's Fall (a 16 minute long piece of perfection!).

I advise you to buy the album that has the March of Time and In the Mirror bonus tracks because these are fantastic!