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エンダーのゲーム [DVD]

3.9 5つ星のうち3.9 4,657個の評価

¥3,188 税込
新品 中古品
DVD 通常版 ¥446 ¥110
DVD 1枚組
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¥3,188 ¥60
DVD 1枚組 ¥3,332
今すぐ観る レンタル 購入


フォーマット 色, ワイドスクリーン, 吹き替え, 字幕付き, ドルビー
コントリビュータ アビゲイル・ブレスリン, ハリソン・フォード, ヘイリー・スタインフェルド, ヴィオラ・デイヴィス, エイサ・バターフィールド, ギャヴィン・フッド
言語 英語, 日本語
稼働時間 1 時間 54 分

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全米No.1大ヒット SFアクション DVDで登場!



運命の少年エンダーを演じるのは、「ヒューゴの不思議な発明」のエイサ・バターフィールド。エンダーと共に戦う射撃の天才少女ペトラに、「トゥルー・グリッド」でアカデミー賞(R)ノミネートのヘイリー・スタインフェルド。エンダーの心の拠り所である姉ヴァレンタインに、「リトル・ミス・サンシャイン」でアカデミー賞助演女優賞ノミネートのアビゲイル・ブレスリン。彼らフレッシュな演技派俳優たちを支える大物実力派俳優陣として、エンダーを極限まで追いこむ指導官グラッフ大佐には、「スター・ウォーズ」、「インディ・ジョーンズ」シリーズのハリソン・フォード。防衛軍の伝説的英雄ラッカム将軍にアカデミー賞俳優ベン・キングズレー。そして、グラッフ大佐を補佐するアンダーソン少佐を『ヘルプ ~心がつなぐストーリー~』でアカデミー賞助演女優賞ノミネートのヴィオラ・デイヴィスが演じています。

少年戦士たちの無重力バトルや、大艦隊による宇宙最終戦争、その迫真性とスケール感を表現する迫力満点の映像美―。宿命を抱えた少年の成長物語と壮絶な戦いを描く全米No.1大ヒットSFアクション・エンターテイメント! !


『エンダーのゲーム ブルーレイ+DVDセット』



  • アスペクト比 ‏ : ‎ 2.35:1
  • メーカーにより製造中止になりました ‏ : ‎ いいえ
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 英語, 日本語
  • 製品サイズ ‏ : ‎ 25 x 2.2 x 18 cm; 80 g
  • EAN ‏ : ‎ 4959241752352
  • 監督 ‏ : ‎ ギャヴィン・フッド
  • メディア形式 ‏ : ‎ 色, ワイドスクリーン, 吹き替え, 字幕付き, ドルビー
  • 時間 ‏ : ‎ 1 時間 54 分
  • 発売日 ‏ : ‎ 2014/5/21
  • 出演 ‏ : ‎ ハリソン・フォード, エイサ・バターフィールド, ヘイリー・スタインフェルド, ヴィオラ・デイヴィス, アビゲイル・ブレスリン
  • 字幕: ‏ : ‎ 英語, 日本語
  • 言語 ‏ : ‎ 日本語 (Dolby Digital 5.1), 英語 (Dolby Digital 5.1)
  • 販売元 ‏ : ‎ ウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン株式会社
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00J2NRV9O
  • ディスク枚数 ‏ : ‎ 1
  • カスタマーレビュー:
    3.9 5つ星のうち3.9 4,657個の評価




1 星

上位レビュー、対象国: 日本

Ok I liked the book better, but this was a very good adaptation. High action. Hope they make the follow up one day.
(Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler)
(Below this is just one very big one...)

The movie is centered around the character of Ender Wiggen. He is a super-genius from a family of super-geniuses. Ender is taken from his family and placed into a place called "Battle School" where he is trained endlessly and cruelly for a war the entire human race is certain will one day happen. The government is putting all of its faith into the training of its children. Ender has two siblings. A sister who was too kind and too soft to succeed in Battle School and an older brother who was kicked out because he was too violent and sadistic.

Ender, upon entering Battle School, immediately begins to rise through the ranks. He is eventually made a leader and given his own troops to command. As soon as he becomes a commander, his unit is put through a never ending series of battle simulations. In the school, there is constant competition to see which unit is the best. Therefore, a never-ending tournament is constantly being held. In Ender's case though, the normal competition rules don't seem to apply. Ender's unit is often put into very unfair circumstances. Sometimes they have to fight battles, one right after the next, with no time to rest. Other times they are forced to fight against several other units at the same time. It is very unfair and Ender and his troops are always angry about it, but always choose to keep fighting....and they always win, too.

Eventually Ender's unit is taken out of Battle School and brought to another place where they are no longer foot soldiers fighting in battle simulations. Instead they are all commanders with their own groups of troops that they control via computers. Ender is the leader of the leaders. These battles are different. They occur at odd times.

At the center of their simulated fleet is one warship equipped with a weapon called "The Doctor" if I remember right. It fires a charge that when it detonates, if another other ships besides the main target one are caught within the blast radius, those ship also explode in a similarly sized explosion. This chain reaction continues until no other ships are caught within the blast radius. It is a way to take out many different ships simultaneously. This is Ender's main weapon and he guards it carefully.

Eventually, the simulations bring Ender's simulated fleet to the simulated home planet of their enemy. There are so many enemy ships to fight against there, that there is no way for Ender's troops to win. So, rather than fighting against the entire force he makes the decision to surround his main weapon with all of the remaining troops he has access to. Together as one big ball of force, they fly to the planet itself. The ships all around the main ship act as a shield for the main weapon. Once Ender is close enough, he fires the main weapon, not at the ships, but at the planet itself. The entire planet dies and because the alien race thinks via a hive mind, all of the remaining enemy ships also die.

Ender has won the final simulation. He has won the game.

This is where the movie fails.

Upon winning, Ender is told that none of the battles that they have been running were simulations. All of them were real battles. Years previous, Earth had sent out millions of ships to fight against the aliens who had attacked them once. The government's goal was to destroy their entire race so they could never attack us again. Recently, the ships had finally gotten close enough to the planet where they were encountering resistance and they needed commanders who could control them remotely. Ender and his team were these commanders.

This is when Ender realizes that he has, unknowingly, destroyed an entire race of intelligent beings. He realizes that he might be a hero, but he is also the universe's ultimate mass murderer.

The movie never comes straight out and says this. They never tell Ender that the simulations weren't fake. People who have read the books understand. For those who didn't read the books, many of them might not. It is a good movie, but because they pulled their biggest punch, it is not a 'great' movie. It's too bad.

I appreciate what “is” there…but “it” just isn’t enough.
△ 子供活躍ものを好まない人 止めときましょう 
△ 分かりやすい戦闘ものを求めてる人 他の作品にしましょう 
終わりのほうで最終試験が大掛かりだったので 「(映画の)時間的に敵との決戦前で終わる感じかな」と心の準備もできました。  
原作を端折られてることは 読んでない者はまったく影響なしです。 


Irene Pohorecka
5つ星のうち5.0 Good
Je vois tout
5つ星のうち5.0 Super
Super film un peut à la star wars.
Cliente de Amazon
5つ星のうち5.0 Buena Pelicula
Empaque Amazon - Malo, "folder" de burbuja reciclado
Empaque producto - excelente, "slip" de cartón con caja regular de blu-ray con capacidad de 2 discos - 1 BD-50 + 1 DVD + copia digital

Sobre el Producto:
Video - 1080p
Audio: Ingles (DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 + Dolby Digital 2.0) + Español (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Subtitulos: Ingles, Español

Sobre la película:
En lo personal me encanta esta película, es llamativa visualmente y mantiene un ritmo constante y sostenible.
Trata sobre una raza alienígena que atacó la Tierra. Harrison Ford y el Ejército Internacional entrenan a los mejores para prepararse para un próximo ataque.
Cliente de Amazon
5つ星のうち5.0 Buena Pelicula
Empaque Amazon - Malo, "folder" de burbuja reciclado
Empaque producto - excelente, "slip" de cartón con caja regular de blu-ray con capacidad de 2 discos - 1 BD-50 + 1 DVD + copia digital

Sobre el Producto:
Video - 1080p
Audio: Ingles (DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 + Dolby Digital 2.0) + Español (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Subtitulos: Ingles, Español

Sobre la película:
En lo personal me encanta esta película, es llamativa visualmente y mantiene un ritmo constante y sostenible.
Trata sobre una raza alienígena que atacó la Tierra. Harrison Ford y el Ejército Internacional entrenan a los mejores para prepararse para un próximo ataque.
カスタマー画像 カスタマー画像 カスタマー画像
5つ星のうち5.0 Great Cast, A Decent Book to Movie Adaptation
For those purchasing Ender's Game on Blu-Ray, here are the special features: Aside from the iTunes Digital Download and Ultraviolet Downloads; you get audio commentary from the director, Gavin Hood; an "Inside the Mind Game" featurette; a Behind the Scenes Making of "Ender's Game" called "Ender's World," and deleted/extended scenes with optional audio commentary from Hood.

Now on to my movie review: I read Ender's Game, 13 years ago as a freshman in high school. While the movie adaptation of Ender's Game condenses a lot of what happened in battle school, omits a lot of the politics that was happening on Earth, and glosses over the friendship between Ender and Bean, I was impressed with how the movie retained the essence of the book. Probably the most enjoyable part of the movie was seeing their interpretation of Battle School. Given how advanced technology is today, at least compared to 2001, the special effects were better than I imagined.

In truth, I believe that the entire Ender's Universe would have been better served as a mini-series or a TV show, especially if it focused on the Ender's Shadow series as I think the general public would have related better with what was happening on EARTH than in Space. The film itself, wasn't very accommodating for a movie franchise or even a sequel, even though it did leave things "open-ended" enough.

A huge round of applause should be given to the casting. The casting of Asa Butterfield as Andrew 'Ender' Wiggin, the titular 'hero,' is perfection. He played Ender's conflicting emotions, vulnerabilities and viciousness with a sincere conviction beyond someone his age should be able to portray. He truly is talented young man and I hope he continues acting because his future and career are bright. I was completely okay with them aging up all the characters, because let's be honest, it'd be difficult to find a believable precocious young actor to portray a 6 year old and then to a 12/13 year old commander.

My favorite scenes involved him commanding his jeesh or confronting his enemies, including even Graff. Some of the best scenes in the movie was solely just Asa's Ender going head to head with Harrison Ford's Colonel Graff. Speaking of, Harrison Ford is perfect as Colonel Graff, I think if the movie had been a success and a potential sequel was in the making, he'd have the necessary gruff kindness to play Bean's confidante. And while the gender change in Anderson threw me for a second, I love Viola Davis, she's just a fantastic actress and her Anderson is a great reminder that these soldiers in Battle school are in fact kids, who have to return to "normal" life after the war. And another brilliant nugget of casting was Nonso Anozie as Sergeant Dap. I couldn't help shout out "Game of Thrones!" whenever he appeared on screen.

I remember back in 2001, the book was always stuck in perpetual rumors of being in pre-production or casting, with names like Haley Joel Osment being thrown around as possible candidates to play Ender. 12 years later, I think the movie was made and released at the right time with the right cast, just the circumstances around the book being 28 years old and Orson Scott Card's personal statements, mired the movie's potential success. If it weren't for the boycotting, the movie could have done better, and maybe the marketing could have pushed a near 30 year old book better, but it's truly a pity most high schoolers aren't required to read this book anymore and most kids these days don’t know much about the series.

Which was why it was also such a pity that Bean wasn't more significant in the movie adaptation. I had read that Orson Scott Card’s initial drafts to the movie adaptation of Ender’s Game were to have it centered more on Ender and Bean’s friendship. THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. But the director preferred pushing Ender and Petra’s friendship, which is fine, but it killed any potential opportunity for a true Shadows sequel, which in my opinion would have made better movies. Plus, Bean gets Petra in the end. Has nine children with her and he is the love of her life.

Part of the problem I had with the other books in Ender's series after Ender's Game is that Ender's story was interesting because not only of the war he ends, but the people IN the book he meets. The afore mentioned Bean and Petra, Alai, Dink, Shen, Graff, etc. These were all his friends and allies that don't appear in the sequels (aside from Ender in Exile - written AFTER Bean's Shadow sequels), so why would anyone care about them?

The truth is, restoring the Formics' world is admirable of Ender, especially how Ender's guilt consumed him, but reading about it? Not as interesting. Learning about battle school and how Ender dealt with the pressures of the school, his actions in defending himself, and the war was interesting. But basing a franchise around his travels in space with the Formics, just isn't appealing.

I think this is why Ender's Shadow would have made a better "franchise" starter. You start it with Ender's Game, introducing both Ender and Bean, blending both Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow. Then continue on to the beginning of Ender in Exile, then Shadow of the Hegemon, Shadow Puppets, Shadow of the Giant, and then back to Ender in Exile and end it with Ender's travels in space.

What's done is done. This is a great "companion" movie to go with the novel, Ender's Game. As a huge fan of the Ender Shadow's series and the book Ender's Game, I thought everybody did the best they could with the budget and time constraints. Again, I already mentioned that it's a pity they didn't go with Card's initial draft of the movie, but what's done is done. I only hope in the future sometime, the books will be made into a miniseries as the stories and characters themselves are certainly deserving.
Mario Pf.
5つ星のうち5.0 Überraschend tiefgründig
- Rolltext -

Nur der Genistreich eines brillanten Kommandeurs konnte die Invasion der Erde und Vernichtung der Menschheit verhindern. Doch die insektenähnlichen Formics könnten jederzeit wiederkehren und die Menschheit ein für allemal auslöschen.

Um das zu verhindern hat die eigens zum Schutz vor einer weiteren Invasion gegründete Internationale Flotte bereits vor Jahrzehnten begonnen auf der gesamten Erde nach den aussichtsreichsten Nachwuchs-Talenten für die Rettung der Menschheit zu suchen, denn die nächste Invasion könnte jederzeit hereinbrechen.

Entsprechend wird die irdische Jugend bereits entsprechend jung auf eine mögliche militärische Laufbahn vorbereitet und immer noch weltweit nach einem Napoleon oder Julius Cäsar gesucht, der es dem legendären Mazer Rakcham gleichtun und die Formics bezwingen kann. Andrew "Ender" Wiggin könnte dieser Held sein...

- Starship Troopers in jung? -

Als mir die erste Inhaltsangabe von Enders Game unterkam erwartete ich einen Film mit ähnlichen Inhalt wie Starship Troopers. Nur mit jüngeren Darstellern, um vermutlich auf der Young Adult Welle mitzusurfen. Dieses Marketingkalkül und die Aussicht wie bei Young Adult-Filmen üblich praktisch die selbe Story wie in Starship Troopers nur anders präsentiert zu bekommen führte auch dazu, warum es der Film dann nie auf meine Kinoliste schaffte. Dass der Cast fast ausschließlich aus Jungdarstellern bestand und die Buchvorlage ebenfalls als Young Adult-Roman bezeichnet wurde konnte meine Vorurteile nur verstärken.

Der praktisch irgendwann und irgendwo einmal in den Raum gestellte Hinweis, Enders Game würde wie Starship Troopers empfohlene Lektüre für US Marine Corps Offiziersanwärter und Unteroffiziere sein, nagte dann jedoch an mir. Das führte dann auch zum Kauf der Blu-ray.

Und Ender's Game ist als Film deutlich anders als ich es mir vorgestellt hätte. Statt einer seichten Geschichte über einen Jungen der mit seinen Freunden die Welt rettet zeigt Ender's Game das schattenreiche Heranwachsen eines talentierten jungen Mannes (es war durchaus hilfreich, dass die Jungdarsteller wie Asa Butterfield im Verlauf der Dreharbeiten Wachstumsschübe erleben und teils sichtlich älter wurden) zum widerwilligen Werkzeug eines Völkermordes. Dabei ist der Film unerwartet tiefgründig, psychologisch interessant und trotzdem nicht weniger wendungs- und actionreich. Ein Überraschungshit selbst mit den im SciFi-Genre üblichen Logiklöchern.

- Sollte man das Buch gelesen haben? -

Zumindest ich kannte es nicht und ebenso nicht jene Kollegen, die ich davon überzeugen konnte sich den Film anzusehen. Überzeugt waren wir vom Film dann trotzdem. Man sollte sich halt darauf einstellen, dass Ender's Game eben nicht auf der Schiene kompromisslose Space Action daherkommt, sondern mehr Stoff zum Nachdenken und Diskutieren liefert. Jedenfalls wenn man sich auf den Film und seine Themen einlässt.

Die Buchlektüre habe ich dann nachgeholt und der Unterschied ist enorm. Während sich der Film vor allem auf die Geschichte Enders als militärisches Genie konzentriert, beschäftigt sich das Buch mit einem umfangreichen Nebenplot über die beiden anderen Wiggin-Geschwister, der im Film so gar nicht vorkommt. Nach dem Buch ist meine Anerkennung der Leistung der Filmmacher sogar noch gestiegen. Der Film bringt es zustande die Handlung um Ender wirklich auf den Punkt zu bringen und manche Aspekte der Geschichte dabei noch deutlicher darzubringen als der Roman es schafft.

Dafür hat man im Film mangels Nebenplot die Möglichkeiten für die Errichtung eines Ender-Franchises aufgegeben, um ausschließlich Enders Geschichte zu zeigen. Durchaus lobenswert wenn einmal die zu erzählende Geschichte und nicht die Dollar-Millionen verheißenden Fortsetzungsmöglichkeiten die wichtigste Rolle einnehmen. So gesehen dann noch ein Pluspunkt mehr für den Film Ender's Game.