
霊長類行動学15. オスメス間の戦略

霊長類行動学もくじ the strategy can be categorized into the following four: 1. Male tactics relative to male 2. Female tactics relative to male 3. male tactics relative to female (female tactics relative to female is very limited) both mal…

霊長類行動学14. メスの交配パターン

霊長類行動学もくじ female mating patterns initiated by females signaling & solicitation promiscuous v. pairs mating period can be restricted based on either they have seasonality, annual cycle aseasonal -- any time of year seasonality inte…

霊長類行動学13. 父子関係

霊長類行動学もくじ Male infant interactions 5 classifications of male and infant interaction 1. Intensive 2. affiliative 3. Occasional Affiliative 4. Tolerance 5. Use and Abuse 1. Intensive e.g., all Callitrichids - classic case Aotus Hylo…

霊長類行動学12. オスとメスの関係パターン

霊長類行動学もくじ male-female interactions mating primate-male occur with group (odd in animals) female concerns male only as a mate except Marmoset - expect them to take care of child What people think Human male provide resources? prote…

霊長類行動学11. オス同士の関係パターン

霊長類行動学もくじ Primate Males characteristics of male behavior primary interest reproductive success enormous reproductive potential - skew only limited by female resources reproductive success benefit of long life + reproductive output…

霊長類行動学10. メス同士の関係パターン

霊長類行動学もくじ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7934998.stm Primate Female Social Behavior why do females live in groups? What determines female group size? What determine the nature of female relationships with groups? betwee…

霊長類行動学9. 母子関係

霊長類行動学もくじ The Primate Mother-Infant Bond The fundamental social unit. for example, even in "solitary" species (like Orangutan), mother-infant pairs are a stable social unit. Relationship is of mutual benefit benefit for children M…

霊長類行動学8. Scramble versus contest competition

霊長類行動学もくじ Competition competition - key is contestability seems to be driven by greed, but really driven by limitation of resources contest competition: fight for access to resource e.g., 10人に一つのパイをあげる際、一箇所に固ま…

霊長類行動学7. ゲーム理論

霊長類行動学もくじ in order to pass genes eat survive reproduction Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS) 進化的に安定な戦略(しんかてきにあんていなせんりゃく、ESS:evolutionarily stable strategy)は、進化生物学およびゲーム理論の重要な概念であ…

霊長類行動学6.性淘汰(Sexual Selection)

霊長類行動学もくじ sexual selection (1871) no apparent survival value, but very important and very different from natural selection e.g., peacock's tail natural selection focus on the survival rate and offspring's survival sexual selection…

霊長類行動学5. 自然選択説(Natural selection)

霊長類行動学もくじ evolution (進化) change in allele frequency over time not a change of species evolution follows change in gene frequency gene flow - migration, isolation transfer of alleles of genes from one population to another (Wikip…

アンドロイドプログラミング入門1: Eclipseのセットアップ

Eclipseのダウンロード・インストール こちらからEclipse IDE for Java Developersをダウンロード 解凍し、C:/Program file/などにフォルダを移動 Android SDK Android Developersより、Android SDKをダウンロード こちらよりinstaller_r13-windows.exeをダ…


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