Making History

Making History: An Introduction to the History and Practices of a Disciplineを読んでいる。

Part I The professionalisation of history

1 The institutionalisation and organisation of history
2. Methodology: 'scientific' history and the problem of objectivity
3. The primacy of political history

Part II Challenges to the statist paradigm
4. The emergence of British economic history, c 1880-1930
The Annales school and histrorical writing
6. Social history in Germany
7. The 'new social history' in America

Part III Interdisciplinarity
8. History and psychoanalysis
9. History and sociology
10. History and anthlopology
11. History and literature

Part IV Social movements and theory into history
12. History and Marxism
13. Women's history and gender history
14. History, identity and ethnicity
15. Historians and the 'new' British history
16. Postmodernism and the linguistic turn

Part V Beyond the academy
17. Historians and film
18. Popular culture and the historians
19. History and 'amateur' history
20. History and heritage
Conclusion: History and power

Making History: An Introduction to the History and Practices of a Discipline

Making History: An Introduction to the History and Practices of a Discipline