

Before, my boyfriend made me a nice Japanese portable lunch, Obento, so I tried to make a obento to him. To be honest, it's the first time to make a obento by myself, so I felt nervous a little. But I remember what my parents made me before, so I could make it without any books.
Anyway, I realize that it's quite hard to keep making obento everyday, so I'd like to say thank you to my parents.

Mont Saint Michel


I went to France the end of last month for honeymoon.
There were so many spots I like. Of them, Mont Saint Michel is most favotite place.
Have you been there? If you went there by the bus tour from Rennes or Paris, I recommend to go again and stay there one night. It's because, you'll be fascination with Mont Saint Michel after many sightseer gone. Especially, the twilight at sunset is amazing!

English joke

I went to a library and found a nice book named "Getting English skills by joke(『英語はジョークで身につける』)". There are a lot of funny jokes, so I'd like to recommend it to you.

I'll pick up 1 joke I like;

"Good news and bad news"

An angel appeared to a man.
Angel: Today I bring you good news and bad news.
Although he was very surprised and afraid, he still managed to ask the angel.
Man: What's the good news?
Angel: You will go to heaven.
Man: That's very good news. And what's the bad news?
Angel: You're going there right now.

a laugh makes you happy!

Heavy snow

Today, I went to my friend's wedding party in Shinjuku ... in the too heavy snow. To be honest, due to that heavy snow, I thought "How about going back to my warm and comfortable house and saying her I couldn't go there by some reason?" several times. Of cause, I beated my weak mind, but it's quite hard for me to go there... I thought I've done my job of today...

Special Olympics


Have you ever heard "The Special Olympics"? It's a sporting event for the mentally challenged. I have been interested in this for 1 year, but I didn't join that before last Saturday because... to be honest, I had some bias against them.
However, I totally change my mind. They are really cute and attractive, so I cannot help but like them. In addition to that, the floor hockey is quite interesting sports! I get hooked on this!!