9/11 〜 9/14

ラジオ英会話   Monday, September 11

So, what's another situation going to be like, Katie?
A Japanese boxer is fighting Rocky.

              • -

I just know you're going to beat Rocky.
Don't get your hopes up.
What do you mean? You are on a winning streak.
I've never ever defeated Rocky.
Come on! Where's your fighting spirit?
I'm just keeping it real.
That's no way to be. Go Jo! Go!

Jo, you can go! But you listeners, please don't go anywhere! Keep listening, keep practicing and keep on boxing and smiling.

                        • -

Wow! That guy pops up everywhere.
He certainly does.
Well, you know, I just know he is going to beat Rocky tonight.

That's about it for today. So until next time, keep listening, keep practicing and keep on smiling, but you don't need keep boxing.


ラジオ英会話   Tuesday, September 12

Well, well, well, Italiano.
And she has an encouraging friend.

                      • -

So, Jeff...
What's another situation going to be like this time?
This time, Lisa has been studying Japanese.

                      • -

Makoto, I've been studying Japanese for four hours a day.
That's terrific, Lisa. At the rate you're going, you'll be fluent soon!
Do you think so?
Oh, yes! It's just a matter of time. Say something in Japanese.
Eigo wa daijobu desuga, Nihonngo wa mo hitosu desu.
That's just amazing!
Do you think so?
Yes! Your accent sounds really natural!
Thanks! I've been working on it.
Keep up the good work, Lisa.
Makotoni arigato gozaimasu.

                      • -

Who's that sighing with us?
Yours truly.

(Yours truly = わたし, 自分, ぼく)


              • -

At the rate, she is going, she'll be fluent...


ラジオ英会話   Wednesday, September 13

My prediction is that Jonas would be very happy.

                      • -

So, Katie, what's another situation going to be like this time?
They are not on the same page.

                            • -

What's your impression of Jonas?
Hmm... He is a poor fit for the CTO position.
I'm not with you there. His work experience at Doodle is a big plus.
I can tell he wouldn't fit in with anyone in the company.
I beg to differ. It's clear to me that he'd be a great asset to our company.

(I beg to differ. = 失礼ですが私の考えは違います 《★形式ばった表現》 a polite way of saying that you disagree with something that someone has said)

It looks like we're not on the same page.
So it does. Let's go on to the next applicant.
Okay, it will be Katie Manning.
Sounds good!
Sounds really hopeful.

                            • -

Hmm... so, what's your impression of our listeners?
It seems like they're getting better and better. Ken?
Oh, well, you know, I can tell they fit in with everyone in the world.


ラジオ英会話   Thursday, September 14

Ugh, she hit that newspaper pretty hard.

                    • -

Wow! Is your finger all right?
So, Jeff, what's another situation going to be like?
Well, this time, two orators are denouncing the mayer.

(orator = 演説者 speaker, public speaker, speechmaker, speech writer, someone who makes speeches in public)

                                • -

Friends, Mayor Johnson wants to demolish three historic buildings downtown.
Citizens, do you know why he wants to do that?
Apparently, friends, he thinks the town needs more parking lots.
That's very odd, citizens. Our town depends on tourism as its source of revenue.
Friends, here's his plan in black and white. Feast your eyes, people!

But do not worry about it, citizens. He's bound to lose the upcoming election.
Nation, I second that.
World, I third that.
Universe, I fourth that.

                      • -

I know you have something to say, Jeff.
Well, you know, I think our listeners are bound to get better and better as they listen to upcoming shows.

I agree.
Sounds hopeful. Sounds great!