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 ⇒米提供の重水使い核兵器 インド、合意違反で開発か (共同通信) - goo ニュース


 日本の報道は薄いが⇒EDITORIAL: Dilemmas of US-India nuclear deal

As President George Bush prepares to visit India and Pakistan in March, negotiations between India and the United States over last July’s nuclear deal have entered a very sensitive stage. Reports suggest that, among other technicalities, both sides are trying to decide how to separate civilian and military nuclear facilities.

 ロイターのほうがわかりやすい⇒ABC News: US deal said to let India expand nuclear arms

A landmark new U.S.-India nuclear agreement would enable New Delhi to expand atomic weapons production and encourage Pakistan and China to do likewise, according to critics of the controversial deal.
In analyses to be made public on Wednesday, non-proliferation experts expressed grave concerns about a proposed "separation" plan that would open India's civil nuclear facilities to U.N. inspections, while permitting military facilities to remain off-limits.
