
 ⇒イスラエル特殊部隊、シリアの北朝鮮製核物質を奪取か 国際ニュース : AFPBB News
 ⇒Snatched: Israeli commandos ‘nuclear’ raid - Times Online

The outlines of a long-term arms relationship between the North Koreans and the Syrians are now being reexamined by intelligence experts in several capitals. Diplomats in Pyongyang have said they believe reports that about a dozen Syrian technicians were killed in a massive explosion and railway crash in North Korea on April 22, 2004.

 ⇒極東ブログ: 北朝鮮竜川駅爆破とシリアの関連
 ⇒極東ブログ: イスラエルによるシリア空爆からシリアと北朝鮮の核コネクション報道のメモ
 ⇒極東ブログ: シリアを巡る怪事件メモ