Mouse 0.42 "Mouse::XS" released

I have released Mouse 0.42 "Mouse::XS".

From this version, Mouse generates constructors, destructors, and accessors in XS. These generated mehtods are much faster than pure Perl methods, especially in attributes with type constraints.

How fast is it? Accoding to a benchmark for HTTP::Engine, Mouse::XS is about 100% faster than Mouse::PurePerl in command line applications, while it is about 20% faster in persistent applications.

Although the Moose comunity has always recommended to use Any::Moose instead of using Mouse directly and I have always agreed with it, you might want to use Mouse for run-time performance until Moose supports XS method generators. Maybe we'd better to make Moose classes to be able to extend Mouse classes and vice versa.

Anyway, enjoy Perl with Mo[ou]se!

(In Japanese)
Mouse 0.42をリリースしました。このバージョンから,Mouseが生成するコンストラクタ,デストラクタ,アクセサがXSになります。これにより,スタートアップの速度だけでなく実行時の速度もMooseより高速になりました。