CS fighthing channel"SAMURAI TV"regim is changed

Sky Perfect TV J-SATcompany announced closing of accounts in fiscal year 2006.

Samurai TV is a subsidiary company of JSAT.
Samurai TV is a special channel of the professional wrestling and the
combative sports(MMA,kickboxing etc) program.

The entire J-sat group was a surplus in 2006.
However, SKYPerfecTV! was a deficit.
Samurai TV was a deficit too.

can you see photo in this entry? too litle?

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I can explain this problem only simply.but if you are interested in this companie's management,you can know more information

now,in Japan.Most of MMA video is made by SAMURAI TV or perfecTV(For example,DEEP,shooto,ZST,Smackgirl ) If SAMURAITV is finished,you can not see fightmovie in YOUTUBE

