PRIDEfighter's contracts are all canceled? UFC japan event in 2008?

About PRIDE finish,
Sport Houchi newspaper site report"PRIDE's fighter contract is canceled".
Allfighter become free?
and this paper said "PRIDECWW office staff contract is end in May"
"They plans to hold UFC Japan event in 2008 May"


k-1 Confirm lowblow at Choi Hong Mang vs Mighty Mo,it become no down....but Winner is no changed, Choiwon

k-1 rule commision checked world GP1st Choi vs Mo fight,Especially 2nd Round Mo's "down"
Mo and many fans insisted that this was lowblow and no down,Real winner is Mo

k-1 investigated Videotape.And finally,they confirm it was lowblow and no down
judge point was changed.
But at total point. Choi exceed Mo even if 2nd round become no down.

Winner is finally same. Choifight in K-1 GP final stage

ソウル・オリンピック第1体育館で29日開催された「K−1 WORLD GP 2007 IN SEOUL FINAL16」の第9試合で行われたチェ・ホンマンvs.マイティ・モー戦の裁定についてK−1競技委員会にてVTRによる再検証が行われ、モーに宣せられた2ラウンドのダウンを取り消しとすることが発表された。


[ スポーツナビ 2007年10月5日 2:04 ]