

In any matter of which the public has imperfect knowledge, public opinion is as likely to be erroneous*1 as is the opinion of an individual equally*2 uniformed. To hold*3 otherwise*4 is to hold that wisdom can be got by combining many ignorances. A man who knows nothing of algebra cannot be assisted in the solution of an algebraic problem by calling in*5 a neighbour who knows no more than himself*6, and the solution approved by the unanimous vote*7 of a million such men would*8 count for*9 nothing against that of a competent mathematician.



Birds are able sometimes to discriminate between protectors and persecutors*10, but seldom very well*11 I should imagine*12; they do not view the face only, but the whole form*13, and our frequent change of dress must make it difficult for them to distinguish the individuals they know and trust from strangers*14. Even a dog is occasionally at fault*15 when his master, last seen in a black suit, reappears in white with a straw hat on*16.


Not the least*17 of the Zoological Gardens'*18 is their inexhaustibility*19. There is always something new, and - what is not less satisfactory*20 - there is always something old that you had previously missed. How is that? How is it that*21 one may go to the Zoo a thousand times and consistently overlook one of the most ingratiating*22 denizens*23, and then on the thousand-and-first visit come upon this creature as though he was the latest arrival*24?

There the quaint*25 little absurdity*26 was, all that long while*27, as ready to be seen as to-day, but you never saw him*28, or, at any rate, you never noticed him. The time was not yet.*29

*1:erroneous: 誤った

*2:equally: 同じ程度に

*3:hold: 思う、考える

*4:otherwise: 別のように

*5:call in: (助けを求めて)を呼ぶ、に助言を求める。call in a doctor 医者を呼ぶ

*6:no more than: と同程度にすぎない

*7:unanimous vote: 全会一致

*8:would: 仮定法

*9:count for: の値打ちがある、に値する

*10:persecutor: 迫害者、虐待者

*11:are ableにかかっている。I imagine they(birds) are seldom able to... very well

*12:should: (一人称主語で、仮定条件を言外に含んだ帰結。(もし私なら)・・・だろう、私(たち)としては・・・するだろうが
I should think you would apologize.
I should refuse a bribe.

*13:not only A but also B

*14:distinguish A from B

*15:at falt: 誤って、途方にくれて

*16:with A on: Aを身に付けて

*17:the least: 最小のもの

*18:zoological garden: 動物園) many attractions((attraction: 魅力

*19:inexhaustibility: 無尽蔵、種が尽きることがないこと


*21:How is it that...?: ・・・とは、どうしたわけだろう。どうして・・・だろう

*22:ingratiating: 気持ちのよい、愛想のよい。ingratiate: に取り入る、機嫌をとる

*23:denizen: 居住者(文語)、常客


*25:quaint: 奇妙な(廃)、古風な

cf: He is a failure.奴は救いようがない。a failureは「失敗ばかりしている奴、何をしても駄目な奴」を表す


*28:the quaint little absurdityを指す
