




What about the efficient-markets hypothesis and the idea that speculative bubbles are very rare, or might not even exist? Is that the Chicago view?

I teach economics a lot. I teach in the economics department; I teach in the business school. I talk about house prices, and I think I’ve always raised the possibility that prices might get too high.

[Murphy cited the example of the Japanese real estate bubble in the late nineteen-eighties and early nineteen-nineties.]

I was looking at that, and I was thinking, “Geez, these prices are assuming that the returns from housing—the rental cost of housing capital—is going to be really high in the future. How realistic is that? Boy, it’s really hard to justify these prices.” During the Internet stock bubble, same thing. I looked at those prices and said, “Geez, can I rule out the possibility that investors are being irrational?” I think we believe that prices can depart from economic reality. The problem is that you can’t see it in advance.

So is the efficient-markets hypothesis consistent with that idea—that prices sometimes depart from fundamentals?

It could be.

[Echoing what John Cochrane had told me, Murphy explained that there were two rival explanations for big movements in asset prices: attitudes to risk that vary over time, which are consistent with an efficient-market equilibrium, or irrational exuberance and bubbles, which aren’t.]

Empirically, I don’t see how you can distinguish between the two. It’s become almost a matter of semantics. Do you call it time varying risk premiums or irrational exuberance?

But the fact is that much of the variation in the market is unpredictable. In finance research, it’s a major victory if you can explain half of one per cent of the price variation with your model. The idea that you can’t beat the market, or predict it—that part of the efficient-markets hypothesis is very much alive and well.

Interview with Kevin Murphy | The New Yorker

効率的市場仮説、および、投機バブルは稀にしか存在しないかまったく存在しないかもしれない、という見方についてはどうでしょう? それがシカゴの見解ですか?



私はその現象を見て思った。「う〜ん、この価格は住宅からの収益――住宅資本の賃貸費用――が将来ものすごく高くなることを前提にしている。それはどの程度現実的なんだ? おやまあ、この価格を正当化するのはとても難しいぞ」と。我々は価格が経済の実態から乖離することがあり得ると信じている、と私は思う。問題は事前にそれが分からないことだ。







We have talked about the efficient-markets theory. What about the other big modern theory associated with Chicago—the rational-expectations hypothesis? What’s left of that one?

The fault of the macroeconomics profession was not so much rational expectations, which is a convenient and useful device. It was to ignore the plumbing. Economists could afford to do that for a long time because the plumbing didn’t back up. Now that the plumbing has backed up you find that loans aren’t really made in a pristine, pure market. Things can break down. There can be quantity constraints, when nobody is willing to lend to anybody at any price.

It’s not so much rational expectations, which I think was an important advance. The mistake was that we thought the economy works reasonably well, and we could ignore the institutional details. We learned that was wrong.

Interview with Raghuram Rajan | The New Yorker

効率的市場仮説については既にお話をいただきました。シカゴと結び付けられて語られるもう一つの大きな近代理論、合理的期待形成についてはどうでしょう? その理論で今も有効なのは何でしょう?



*1:ヘックマンは効率的市場仮説について「But there is a lot of diversity here. You can go office to office and get a different view.」と答えている。