

例えば、マシュー・イグレシアスは「非不胎化介入は成長への最後の最良の望みかもしれない(Usterilized Foreign Exchange Interventions Might Be The Last Best Hope for Growth)」と題した9/15エントリで、フェリックス・サーモンの以下の非不胎化介入の解説を引用している。

In other words, the Bank of Japan isn’t simply selling yen, it’s printing yen. (And then selling them.) Given (a) that it’s the central bank and that it can print as many yen as it likes, and (b) that it would actually welcome a bit of inflation, there’s actually a non-negligible chance that this kind of non-sterilized intervention could work.

Why Japan’s FX intervention might actually work



My thought concerns the general tendency of countries to want their currencies to depreciate. Everyone would like to boost their growth by letting their currencies slide and increasing exports. Of course, not all can succeed. Someone must increase net imports and let their currency appreciate. The obvious candidate is the Chinese, but they are unwilling to let it happen (at least at a pace desired by the rest of the world).
The result is like a game of deflationary pass the parcel in which the countries with appreciating currencies eventually feel the pressure, and try to reverse the trend.

The yen and gold - Currencies, gold and international competition



I don’t worry about this at all. I asked once what people thought would happen if the Fed, ECB, and BOJ all attempted a circular devaluation in which each central bank does a foreign exchange intervention. This Japan story gives us the answer. If central banks attempt a circular devaluation with sterilized interventions then, as Buttonwood says, nothing will happen. But if they all follow Japan’s example and enact unsterilized foreign exchange interventions, then the upshot will be a larger money supply and a higher price level. As Ryan Avent observes, almost all the developed economies could use some more inflation (and the main exceptions I can think of, the UK, wouldn’t be impacted by this) so this would be a good thing.
Wouldn’t it be simpler and cleaner for central banks to simply undertake monetary stimulus on their own? It would. But central bankers seem unwilling to do this. Buttonwood’s hypothesis is that Japan’s aggressive actions may force the hand of the Fed and the ECB. If it happens, that would be excellent news.
中銀が単に自分で金融刺激策を取った方が単純明快ではないかって? それはそうだろう。しかし中銀はそれをやろうとしない。Buttonwoodの仮説は、日本の積極的行動がFRBとECBを動かすかもしれない、というものだ。もしそうなれば、素晴らしいニュースだ。


A bit of inflation in Japan wouldn't just be a good thing. It would be a really, really great thing. And if other countries react to Japan's intervention by attempting to print and sell their own currencies in order to toss the deflationary potato to someone else, well then so much the better. ...its a rare rich economy that couldn't use a bit more inflation.
Not every country can simultaneously depreciate its currency. But everyone can nonetheless benefit from the attempt, if currency interventions lead to expanded money supplies and rising inflation expectations.

Beggar, then sneakily enrich, thy neighbour - Monetary policy



この金本位制からの離脱の例については、アイケングリーンが1年半前のガーディアンの記事で取り上げている。それを本人が「日本の為替介入について思うこと(What I think about Japan's currency intervention)」としてツイートしたため、同記事がネット界隈で再浮上し、各ブログで取り上げられた(イグレシアスの9/16エントリ*3Economist's Viewデビッド・ベックワース)。

In the 1930s, it is true, with one country after another depreciating its currency, no one ended up gaining competitiveness relative to anyone else. And no country succeeded in exporting its way out of the depression, since there was no one to sell additional exports to. But this was not what mattered. What mattered was that one country after another moved to loosen monetary policy because it no longer had to worry about defending the exchange rate. And this monetary stimulus, felt worldwide, was probably the single most important factor initiating and sustaining economic recovery.

Barry Eichengreen: Competitive devalution to the rescue | Opinion | The Guardian



I’m a little sceptical that this was “unsterilized”. The MOF usually issues debt to finance interventions. Unless the BOJ directly bought that debt and will hold to it (kind of like QE), this will automatically be sterilized.

Okay, I’ve looked into this. This is a very short-term unsterilization. The MOF borrowed the money from the BOJ, intervened, sending 1 trillion yen in extra funds into the money market. The BOJ did not adjust for this in its daily market ops, making it technically unsterilized. But the MOF will have to issue short-term debt in the next few days to pay back the BOJ, which will drain the market of those funds.
So it’s unsterilized, but only for a couple of days. Hard to get too excited about.


At the zero-bound, it doesn’t matter whether it is sterilized or unsterilized…basically pushing on a strong



So, gpowell, kind of akin to a “bill pass” by the Fed, where the the effect covers days, not years… but if Japan genuinely begins doing a lot of unsterilized intervention, that would be a significant policy change, which I suspect some other nations would imitate as part of competitive devaluation.
ということはだ、gpowell、FRBの「bill pass」みたいなもので、効果は数年ではなく数日しか続かない、ということだね。でももし日本が本気で大規模な非不胎化介入を始めたら、それは重要な政策変更を意味し、他の国も通貨切り下げ競争の一環として真似るのではないかな。


*1:対する否定的な評価としては、後述のEconomist-ButtonwoodやTim Duyのほか、ジョン・テイラーが挙げられる。テイラーは、溝口善兵衛氏の大介入(Great Intervention)が2004年3月の出口付近では過剰介入になっていた、という(当時財務次官だった彼にとっての)苦い思い出を語りつつ、(a)日銀の多くの人々はその介入が成功だったとはあまり思っていない、(b)日本の銀行システムは当時ほど流動性を必要としていない、(c)米国の保護主義の圧力は経済の弱さを受けて当時より高まっている(今回の介入への議会の不満は既に大介入当時を上回っている)、という3つの反対理由を挙げている。

*2:アベントは、対する悲観論として、上述のButtonwoodのほか、Tim DuyNaked Capitalismにもクロスポストされている)も引用している。Duyは、中国が日本国債の大量購入が日本政府当局の円高懸念を強め、それが今回の介入につながった、いわば中国が日本に代理でドルを買わせたようなものだ、というユニークな見方を示している。その上で、皆がドルを買う傾向が続けば、いずれは破綻が起きる、と警告している。



*5:ちなみにアイケングリーンは、9/18のツイートで、「My view on Japanese forex intervention」として自らのインタビューが引用されているmoneynews.com記事を紹介している。そこで彼は、「The economies of both Japan and the U.S. would benefit from another round of quantitative easing」「People are viewing this as a conflict between the U.S. and Japan, but if our policy would otherwise push up the yen a little bit and thereby cause more deflation there, they can offset that by printing a few more yen, which again costs them nothing, has no negative side effects...I don’t see any incompatibility between the two policies.」と述べている。
