少し前にロドリックのモーリシャスの経済発展への礼賛を簡単に紹介したことがあったが、そのモーリシャス中央銀行総裁Rundheersing Bheenick*1が、先月27日の首都ポートルイスでのスピーチで、自国の成功について数字を示して説明すると同時に、現在同国が直面している3つの罠を挙げているMostly Economics経由)。彼はそれを、MIT、ELT、BLTという3つの略語にまとめているが、といってもマサチューセッツ工科大学非常用位置指示無線標識装置ベーコン、レタス、トマトのサンドイッチでは無い、というギャグ*2を前置きにして、以下のように説明している。

中所得の罠(Middle Income Trap)

Nations from East to west, from Vietnam to Barbados, and from north to south, from Estonia to Botswana, suffer the same dilemmas. At the heart of MIT, we find the complacency which I alluded to earlier. A particularly virulent feature of MIT is the fact that those very factors that aided middle-income countries to effect the transition from low-income and underdeveloped status to their present more comfortable position in the middle income order, seem to undergo a genetic mutation and turn into factors which actually hold middle-income countries back, preventing their next transition to higher income.
Educated, broad-minded and subtle government leaders, a small set of second-generation wealthy bright local business monopolies, a pool of educated but none-too-skilled workers, creaking infrastructure and utilities unable to keep pace with development, policy inertia when not downright policy paralysis, accompanied or not by flows of aid, remittances and foreign direct investment, will not facilitate the new transition.
To avoid such a catastrophic outcome, we must spare no effort to reengineer, to plug the knowledge and skill gap with our Asian competitors, and do whatever it takes to restore our competitive advantage so that our exporters become once again a dynamic force of economic transformation. This calls for profound changes in the way we conduct our business; but therein lies the rub. We seem to have become deeply averse to change. To paraphrase Jean Monnet, the architect of the EU, when he observed the resistance to the formation of the European community and blind protectionism of their national interest by sovereign states in divided post-war Europe all heading for disaster:
“Man has a natural instinct to resist change until it becomes a necessity, and he won’t recognise necessity until he’s faced with a crisis.”
But, let’s ask ourselves, do we really need a crisis to jolt us out of the Middle Income Trap?

高齢化の罠(Extended Life Trap)

We know we inhabit one of the most densely-populated countries in the world. We face a continued increase in population of some 5–7,000 people a year. Over the next ten years, this means an addition close to the size of the total population of the Seychelles. This increase is arising, not from increasing fertility which has been steadily declining from 2.05 to 1.5 over the last ten years, but rather from our longer life expectancy which has increased by 2 years for both males and females to stand at 69.5 and 76.6, respectively, over the same period.
The recent experience of some countries such as France is there to remind us of the risks to which we expose ourselves if we do not undertake the appropriate reforms in time. The street demonstrations which followed in the wake of the French government’s attempt to extend the retirement age also explain why policy-makers are so reluctant to grasp this particular nettle. Why incur the wrath of an unbridled electorate today to tackle a problem which is building up to explode only some time in the future? The Extended Life Trap, which brings a panoply of problems relating to fiscal sustainability and intergenerational transfers, may overwhelm middle-income countries if the underlying problems remain unaddressed.
近年のフランスなどでの経験は、適切な改革を正しいタイミングで実施しないとどのような危険が待ち構えているかを思い起こさせてくれる。また、フランス政府が定年を延長しようとした時に通りを埋め尽くしたデモは、政策当局者がこの敏感な問題に手を触れるのをなぜ嫌がるのかを説明している。現在形成されつつあるが爆発するのはいつか先のことである問題の解決のために、なぜ今日の有権者の抑え難い怒りを招く必要がある? 高齢化の罠は、財政の維持可能性や世代間の所得移転といった一連の問題を引き起こし、適切に対処されないならば、中所得国を押し潰してしまうかもしれない。

銀行の流動性の罠(Banking Liquidity Trap)

With the global financial and economic crisis, there’s scarcely anybody around the country who has not been touched in one way or another by its after-effects. The problem there at the epicentre of the crisis was a credit crunch arising from a lack of liquidity in the system. The problem here is an excess of liquidity, coexisting back-to-back with a credit crunch affecting some sectors. There, governments have overborrowed, or are doing quantitative easing, making financial markets and bondholders nervous and demanding higher returns and driving up yields. Here, Government is not rolling over all its domestic maturing debt, making banks awash with cash, and driving down yields on treasuries. That is why solutions applicable there cannot and should not be transposed here.
All this gives us cause for serious concern. Are our banks perhaps becoming too risk-averse? Is there an unmet demand for loans in parallel with excess liquidity in the system? If so, aren’t we failing to tap our full growth potential? By becoming too conservative, are our bankers doing us a disservice? It would be foolish to suggest that the bottom line of banks does not matter and we are not saying that. We certainly do not want to add our island to the list of states such as Iceland and Ireland, coincidentally island-states, with a sad experience of what happens when banks become reckless and take excessive risks. Here, we are far from that kind of situation. I think it is legitimate to ask ourselves if our banks are just possibly focusing too much on their bottom line, to the detriment of the top line for the country as a whole? And if so, we should examine what measures we could take to get credit flowing again to the sectors in need. We should put our money to work for the people. That is the business of banks: fuelling business.
こうしたこと(=信用供与の伸びが低迷し、とりわけ製造業への信用供与が落ち込んだこと)は、我々が非常に心配をすべき理由となる。ひょっとして我々の銀行はあまりにもリスク回避的になっているのだろうか? 金融システムに過剰流動性が溢れる一方で、満たされない融資への需要が存在しているのだろうか? もしそうならば、我々は自分たちの潜在的な成長の可能性を十分に引き出していないのではないか? あまりにも保守的になりすぎることにより、我が国の銀行はむしろ害をなしているのではないか? もちろん、銀行の損益(bottom line)が重要では無いなどと言うことは馬鹿げているし、そんなことを言うつもりも無い。同じ島国であるアイスランドアイルランドでは、銀行が無謀にも過剰なリスクを取った結果としての悲惨な経験をしているわけだが、我が国がそれらの国と並んでリストアップされることはあってはならない。ただ、我が国の現状はそれらの国とは懸け離れている。ひょっとすると銀行が損益のみに集中し過ぎていて、国全体の売り上げ(top line)を犠牲にしているのではないか、と自問自答するのは、筋の通ったことのように思われる。もしそうならば、信用が必要な部門に再び回るようにするためにどのような手段が取れるか調べるべきである。我々は貨幣が人々のために機能するようにすべきなのだ。そのこと、即ち企業に給油することが、銀行の業務なのである。



*2:日本人ならばEvery Little Thingこの雑誌を引き合いに出すところかもしれない。
