
と題したブログエントリ(原題は「Why Rational People Can’t Succeed as Economic Forecasters」)でジャスティン・フォックスが、下記の本の著者である歴史家ウォルター・フリードマン(Walter Friedman)ハーバードビジネススクール教授への自らのインタビューを紹介している*1


Who’s your favorite?

I think Babson is my favorite, because it’s just so hard to figure out whether he believed what he was promoting or not. He builds his whole idea about forecasting on Sir Isaac Newton, yet how can a rational person actually believe that booms and busts precisely equal out over time? And what does that say about the craziness of the profession? Who actually thinks that they can figure out where the economy’s headed with some certainty? You can’t really publish forecasts unless you have a conviction that you’ve figured something out. And yet most rational people go about that only with some real doubt.

The people who doubt ultimately will fail, because when they get a prediction wrong they’ll throw up their hands, they’ll say their model was wrong. And those who really believe that they’ve got the right method will just explain away all of their failures and just keep pushing their model.


バブソンが一番好きですね。というのは、自ら提唱することを彼自身が信じていたかどうかを判別するのが非常に難しいからです。彼が構築した予測の考え方はすべてアイザック・ニュートン卿に依拠していましたが、しかし、好況と不況は時が経てばきっちりと釣り合う、などと理性的な人がどうして本当に信じることができましょうか? そして、このことは、この職業の狂気について何を物語っているのでしょうか? 自分は経済がどこへ向かっているか見抜ける、とある程度の確信をもって本気で考えているのは、どんな人なのでしょうか? 何かを見抜いたという確信が無い限り、実際に予測を公けにすることなどできません。しかし、大抵の理性的な人々は、幾分かの疑いを拭いきれないまま予測を進めます。

これについてフォックスは、ハリネズミと狐の話(cf. ここ)を持ち出し、柔軟な狐の方が予測を当てると言われるが、予測業界では狐は成功しないということか、とフリードマンに問い質している。それに対しフリードマンは、どれだけ強力な(あるいは厚顔な?)マーケティングができるかという話だ、と応じ、ハーバードの予測グループはその点では全然駄目だった、と述べている。


There’s a lot of failure in your book.

Friedman: There is a lot of failure in my book, but I think forecasting is a very maligned industry. Most people look at the history of forecasting and think of it as a march of folly, because they look at whether [forecasters] have become more accurate over time, and the truth is they really haven’t. No one’s been able to produce a reliable method of making predictions of where the economy’s going, and they won’t be able to. But in the effort to forecast they’ve done a lot of great things — they’ve introduced leading indicators, they’ve created econometric models, they’ve created important institutions like the National Bureau of Economic Research, and they’ve come up with ideas of how to conceptualize the economy.
The very idea that there’s this thing called the economy was something new.
Everybody talks about Silicon Valley being this bunch of entrepreneurs who created the computer industry in their garages. This was a bunch of entrepreneurs who gathered data either in their basements or in some subdivision of their office, and invented the idea of the economy. They made it tangible, so that people got a sense that the businesses around the United States were connected in some way, that they all went up and down together, and that what somebody did in Cleveland had an impact on what somebody did in New York.




So this move to a more theoretical approach, has it resulted in better forecasts?

I think the move in forecasting that really has made a difference is the transition from the idea of a fixed business cycle — that is to say, a business cycle that you can’t alter in any way and that is a bit like a meteorological cycle — to one in which the government can actually try to flatten cycles. That really has changed things.


*1:cf. HBS Working Knowledgeの1/9付けインタビュー記事(H/T Mostly Economics)。