
29日に紹介した議論を受ける形で、Nick Rowe貨幣乗数ケインズの支出乗数とともに擁護するエントリを書いている。彼はまず、2つの乗数が経済学において珍しい特性を備えていることを指摘している。

Most of economics is about negative feedback processes. An increased demand for apples creates an initial excess demand for apples. But that in turn causes the price of apples to rise, which reduces quantity demanded and increases quantity supplied, eliminating the initial excess demand for apples. And the equilibrium change in quantity demanded is smaller than the original change in quantity demanded.
The money multiplier, and the keynesian multiplier, are rare examples of positive feedback processes. The equilibrium increase in money supplied is bigger than the original increase in money supplied. The equilibrium increase in output demanded is bigger than the original increase in output demanded.


You can't see the keynesian multiplier in New Keynesian models. That's because they have hidden it, or refused to look at it. But it's still there, in the Euler equation, and it's larger than ever. The marginal propensity to consume out of permanent disposable income is one, and so the keynesian multiplier is infinite in New Keynesian models. It's so big the New Keynesians have to assume it away, by turning into "classical" economists, and assuming (the representative agent expects) an automatic tendency towards "full employment" (aka the natural rate), even though nothing in their models justifies that ad hoc assumption, just to keep permanent income pinned down by the supply-side Phillips Curve.


It is no accident that New Keynesians deleted Keynes' fundamental question from their models, and deleted the medium of exchange from their models too. The two deletions are the same. Yes, if you ignore money, and assume market-clearing in future markets, then getting the right relative price in the current market (the right rate of interest) is all you need to get market-clearing in the current market.


How big is the money multiplier? Well, that depends, on many things. Most importantly, it depends on what the central bank is targeting. If the central bank is targeting a fixed rate of interest (no central bank in its right mind would do this, but let's just suppose), the money multiplier is infinite. Just like the keynesian multiplier in New Keynesian models. Some initial shock causes one bank to expand loans and deposits, which causes other banks to expand their loans and deposits too, and the central bank expands base money as the demand for reserves + currency expands, and so on, and the ball keeps rolling until something causes it to stop. And the only thing we ought to rely on to bring the process to a stop is the central bank itself, because it is more concerned with some vaguely sensible target like inflation or NGDP, and realises that sort of target is incompatible with a permanently fixed interest rate target and "supplying base money on demand", as the cultists say.
貨幣乗数の大きさはどのくらいなのだろうか? それは多くのことに依存する。最も重要なのは、中銀が何を目標としているか、ということに依存している点だ。もし中銀が固定金利を目標としているならば(正気の中銀はそうしたことをしないだろうが、取りあえずそう仮定する)、貨幣乗数は無限大となる。ニューケインジアンモデルにおけるケインジアン乗数と同じだ。何らかの初期ショックによってある銀行が貸し出しと預金を拡大し、それによって別の銀行も貸し出しと預金を拡大し、準備預金と通貨への需要の拡大に応じて中銀がベースマネーを拡大し、ということが続き、何かがそれを止めるまでボールは転がり続ける。そして、この過程を止めると我々が当てにできるのは中銀以外にない。というのは、中銀はインフレ率や名目GDPといった多少は意味のある目標の方に関心があり、そうした目標と、恒久的な固定金利目標および熱狂的な反貨幣乗数派のいわゆる「需要に応じたベースマネーの供給」とは両立しない、と認識しているからである。


The two positive feedback processes in the first year textbook are very closely connected. Both multipliers are infinite when the central bank targets a rate of interest and everything just scales up across markets and time-periods. Providing the right policy answer to Keynes' fundamental question requires the central bank to not allow everything to scale up. A good central bank would ensure we never observe either multiplier process in action in the real world. If we observe random shocks to government spending creating a keynesian multiplier process we know the central bank has failed. If we observe random shocks to base money creating a money multiplier process we know the central bank has failed. But the central bank needs to know its enemies to ensure they never appear in the data. This is Milton Friedman's Thermostat.

*1:cf. ここ