
という論文(原題は「Taylor-Rule Exit Policies for the Zero Lower Bound」)をインド工科大学カラグプル校のSiddhartha Chattopadhyayとニューヨーク州立大学オルバニー校のBetty C. Danielが書いている

The monetary authority loses the ability to implement the Taylor Rule at the zero lower bound. However, the promise to implement a Taylor Rule upon exit remains an effective policy instrument. We present two Taylor-Rule exit policies, each with different commitment requirements, as alternatives to a truncated Taylor Rule. A Taylor Rule with an optimally-chosen exit date and time varying inflation target delivers fully optimal policy, but requires a negative inflation target, possibly threatening the ability to commit. A Taylor Rule with only an optimally-chosen exit date delivers almost all the gains of fully optimal policy with no need to commit to the negative inflation target.


なお、縮減テイラールール(truncated Taylor Rule)については本文で以下のように説明されている。

The truncated Taylor Rule represents optimal policy when the monetary authority can commit only to follow a Taylor Rule, but not to an exit date or an inflation target. Essentially, the truncated Taylor Rule implements optimal discretionary policy. Under this policy, the nominal interest rate is zero as long as the natural rate is negative. Once the natural rate becomes positive, the monetary authority optimally raises the nominal rate to the natural rate, thereby returning both the output gap and inflation to their optimal values of zero.