
サイモン・レンールイスが表題の論文(原題は「Ending the microfoundations hegemony」)をOxford Review of Economic Policyの最新号寄稿している(H/T レンールイスのmainly macroブログ)。同号は「Rebuilding macroeconomic theory」と題されており、ブランシャールも過去のブログでの考察(cf. ここ)をまとめた論文を掲載しているほか、ここで紹介したスティグリッツ論文、ここで紹介したリカルド・ライス論文も掲載している。

論文は本ブログでこれまで紹介してきたレンールイスの現代経済学批判(cf. ここここここここここここ)と重なる部分も多いが、構造計量経済モデル(SEM)の歴史を振り返った箇所では、構造計量経済モデルを没落させた新古典派反革命スタグフレーションによりもたらされた、という通説を以下のように批判している。

All that began to change as a result of the New Classical Counter Revolution (NCCR). To some, this revolution was a response to the Great Inflation and stagflation, just as Keynesian economics was a response to the Great Depression. But there is a simple flaw in that argument. Paradigm shifts require not only new facts that conventional theory finds it increasingly tortuous to explain, but also an alternative theory to explain those facts. As I have argued in Wren-Lewis (2015), the New Classical revolution did no such thing. Indeed, its initial alternative to SEMs were RBC (real business cycle) models where inflation did not even appear.
We can see this clearly in the seminal paper of the NCCR by Lucas and Sargent (1979), aptly titled ‘After Keynesian Macroeconomics’. They start their article with references to stagflation and the failure of Keynesian theory. A fundamental rethink is required. What follows next is crucial. If the Counter Revolution was all about stagflation, we might expect an account of why conventional theory failed to predict stagflation: the equivalent, perhaps, to the discussion of classical theory in The General Theory. Instead we get something much more general: a discussion of why identification restrictions typically imposed in the SEMs of the time are incredible from a theoretical point of view, and an outline of the Lucas critique. The essential criticism in Lucas and Sargent is methodological: the way empirical macroeconomics has been done since Keynes is flawed.
Using this critique, they argue that traditional SEMs cannot be trusted as a guide for policy. Only in one paragraph do they try to link this general critique to stagflation: there is no attempt in this paragraph to link this stagflation failure to the identification problems discussed earlier in their text. Indeed, they go on to say that they recognize that particular empirical failures (by inference, like stagflation) might be solved by changes to particular equations within traditional econometric models. Of course that is exactly what mainstream macroeconomics was doing at the time, with the expectations augmented Phillips curve.


Another response to these arguments is to say that the same logic implies that we eventually end up estimating elaborate VARs with ad hoc exclusion restrictions. Why not just use a VAR? But an SEM is not a VAR, because it does contain considerable theoretical content. Indeed, if we take the example of an SEM that is an elaborated DSGE model, if we only ever investigate additional dynamics or effects that make some kind of theoretical sense, then we are a long way from a VAR. It is true that the expression ‘some kind of theoretical sense’ is imprecise and may vary from one economist to another, and it is also true that the additions to the DSGE mean that we can no longer be sure of internal theoretical consistency. But on the reasonable assumption that these elaborations that make up the SEM bring us closer to reality, we have good reason to believe that the SEM will give better policy advice than the DSGE it came from.
こうした議論への別の反応は、その伝で行くと、アドホックな排他制約を掛けた精緻なVARを推計することに終わるのではないか、というものである。なぜ単にVARを使わないのか? しかし、かなりの理論的内容を盛り込んでいることからして、SEMはVARではない。実際、精緻化されたDSGEモデルとしてのSEMを例に挙げれば、何らかの理論的意味を持つ追加的な動学や効果を研究しただけで、VARから大きく先に進んだ話になっている。「何らかの理論的意味」という表現が精確性を欠いていて、経済学者によって内容が違うことは事実である。DSGEにあれこれ追加すると内的な理論的整合性が確保できなくなることも事実である。しかし、SEMを作り上げるためのそうした精緻化によって現実に近付く、という妥当な仮定の下では、元となるDSGEよりもSEMの方が優れた政策提言を提供する、と考えるべき十分な理由がある。

*1:cf. ここ

*2:cf. 昨年1/22エントリ。