Off on and assortment


Tour Down Under前のLanceさん



Tour Down Underは時期が1月でレース開始時期としては早いし歴史も長くないこともあり注目度はそれほど高くなかったと思うけど、今年はLance Armstrong選手の初戦となることが決定して非常に注目度が高い。ハワイでトレーニングしていたランスがオーストラリア入りするのも報道関係を避ける努力をしていたりした模様。彼に関しての記事も色々出ている。空港に着いた時の服装までジーンズで、LivestrongTシャツでオークリーのサングラスで、といったように逐一記事にされるのだから大変なものだ。



Twenty-five watts in two weeks. Lance Armstrong is gaining fitness so fast that his maximum sustainable power output improved 25 watts from an informal test in late November to a test in Austin, Texas a few days after he returned from the Astana team camp in Tenerife, Spain. One of the biggest questions I had going into this comeback was whether Lance’s body would adapt to training the way it used to.

He’s going there to train and while he’s ahead of where I expected him to be right now, he’s still near the beginning of a trajectory that should see him start the Tour de France in optimal condition.

数ヶ月で25ワット(恐らくFTPが)上昇したって書いてあるけど本当かな?この辺はGoogle GroupのWattageでも議論になっているようだ。本当なら一般アマチュアでも集中して効率よくトレーニングすれば短期間でも大分能力を上げられるんじゃないか。その辺まだまだ改善の余地があると思う。


December 29-31---3-day training block
3-4 hours daily @ endurance pace staying below 315watts, climbs at 340-380watts

January 1: Recovery ride

Jan 2-4----3 day training block
Day 1: 4 hours @ endurance pace staying below 315watts, include 1hr @ Tempo power, 350-380watts, low pedal cadence during Tempo (60-70rpm).

Day 2: 4 hours @ endurance pace staying below 315watts, include 2-3 10-minute MuscleTension Intervals @ 45-50rpm, uphill @ 350-400watts with 8-10mins recovery between intervals.

Day 3: 4 hours @ endurance pace staying below 315watts, include 1hr @ Tempo power, 350-380watts, low pedal cadence during Tempo (60-70rpm).

January 5-6: Recovery rides

Jan 6-8----3 day training block
Day 1: 5.5 hrs with 3 climbs of 15-30minutes at 380-420watts, last 60mins behind motor for leg speed.

Day 2: 4.5 hours with 2-3climbs late in the ride of 15-30minutes at 380-420watts, last 60mins behind motor for leg speed.

Day 3: 4 hours @ endurance pace with 2 climbs of 15-30minutes at 380-420watts, last 60mins behind motor for leg speed.

January 9-10―recovery rides, maybe on the TT bike
Day 1: Recovery ride
Day 2: Recovery ride

January 11: Possibly an Ironman test on the TT bike??

January 12: Depart for Australia?


