16push/sec v1.01 was released.

This is the application which counts how much you push the
button per ten seconds. Please try to make a high score
and compete with challengers in the world on online.

How to play;
There are two types of modes in this application.
First one is the count-mode and second one is the
send-mode. You can change the modes by SELECT button.

Count-mode is for playing the game. To begin the game, you
need to set to count-mode and press the START button.You
can push either A or B buttons.

Send-mode is for sending your score to online so that
everyone is able to see. After you change to send-mode,
press START button to send your score.

If you want to see the ranking, push the i-mark and
RANKING-butten to display.

The score is counted only when you push either A or B button.
Please do not push A and B button together.

Let's try!!