He is the NBA ’s genius was destroyed , a man destroyed by rumo

People saw him recently , ten o'clock at night in Houston , West holding a glass of Coke, fluffy hair , clothes and messy , like Shakespeare 's Hamlet -like wandering the streets barefoot.nba 2k16 mt coins on sale, NBA fans a faithful Recognizing who already bid farewell to the NBA players : "You are Delonte West do ? "
His answer is full of Hamlet-like indecision : "I used to be ...... but I have My non yesterday ."
In his 32 years of life , as well as a decade of his career , West interpretation of a disoriented under external pressure role.
The West should not be so - as the 2004 No. 24 show, in the NBA, he averaged 9.7 points , 3.6 assists , 2006-07 season, had surrendered 12.2 points , 4.4 assists, in the moment at least he can get a production contract ; he played for four teams in the NBA before, the total salary of $ 16 million ; been to CBA, went League , which is a relatively trivial NBA players resume .
But he has an extraordinary side, with bipolar disorder , carrying firearms hunting knife arrested at the airport detained a dispute with his wife , the most critical , he is the protagonist of the "Friends mom door" - is now seen as a non-existent the press speculation . Until now, the West is still living in the shadow of the rumors , no one is willing to judge the "Friends mom door ," the authenticity of many spectators , this is a joke , a mockery of LeBron James scripts, Buy cheap nba 2k coins.
But for the West , it was him into hell , completely destroyed the fuse.