
去年,中国では陳桂棣と春桃による中国農民調査The Chinese Peasants Studyが発禁になったが,今度は雑誌花城に載った閻連科の小説「為人民服務」が発禁処分を受けた。二人の恋人が起きてはセックスし,セックスに飽きると毛沢東の彫像を倒して壊すという内容がまずかったらしい。まだ関係者が処罰を受けたということはないようだ。

For three days, the naked lovers stayed indoors. When they got hungry, they ate; when they got tired, they slept; when they woke up, they made love. When making love got boring, Liu set up Wu to tip over a statue of Chairman Mao which broke. Liu then pretended that she was going to report him to the military police immediately, thus terrifying him. Then Liu ripped up portraits and books of Chairman Mao and challenged Wu to see who was more reactionary and counter-revolutionary. So the lovers raced around the house, destroying all the revolutionary objects that they could find and making ardent love.
