

Dsearch is a personal desktop search software based on Java* technology which can help you search and seek quickly your resources in disk such as Music, Pictures, Documents, Source Codes, MSN Messages and etc. DSearch can run anywhere as well as the platform supports Java, like linux, MS Windows*, MacOS* and etc.


rssをトイレで読めるRSStroom reader

コンセプト・デザインだろうけれども、台湾の倚天によるRSStroom readerは最新のrssのヘッドラインをトイレットペーパーに印刷して読むもので,生体認識機能を備え,便座に座ると個人の体重から判断してカスタマイズしたフィードを提供する。

This reader interacts with your toilet bowl "biometrically" which basically means when you sit down this thing will weigh you. Depending on your weight, it'll deliver you a customized news feed. Sadly this product is only available in Taiwan right now
