-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
/A#  B /B  /B  Bm /B  C /C  /C  Cm /C  Db /Db 
F# /F#  /F#  F#m /F#  G /G  /G  Gm /G  Ab /Ab  /Ab 
/C#  /C#  C#m /C#  D /D  /D  Dm /D  Eb /Eb  /Eb  Ebm
/G#  G#m /G#  A /A  /A  Am /A  Bb /Bb  /Bb  Bbm /Bb 
D#m /D#  E /E  /E  Em /E  F /F  /F  Fm /F  Gb



For fine tuning, test each note against the major tenth, double octave, and seventeenth. When you tune the treble to produce beatless octaves, the double octaves will sound a little flat. If you stretch the octaves too much, the double octaves will beat. The correct amount of stretch is somewhere between these two points, verified by a smooth succession of major tenths and seventeenths.


Piano Servicing, Tuning and Rebuilding: For the Professional, the Student, the Hobbyist

Piano Servicing, Tuning and Rebuilding: For the Professional, the Student, the Hobbyist


The strings for F below middle C have inhamonicity like all other strings, and the F33-F45 temperament octave is stretched to the extent of this inharmonicity. Therefore, all intervals within the temperament must be a little wider than their theoritical counterparts, in order for the temperament to come out right. (Fourths and fifths are still narrow, but not quite as narrow as the tables*1 suggest; thirds and sixths are just a little wider than in the table.) Every note in the temperament octave has its own particular inharmonicity, depending on the design of the stringing scale, causing the coincident partials to vary from one piano to the next. Because of this, no two pianos with different stringing scales have the fundamental pitches of the notes within the temperament octave - or any of the other notes exceptA440 - tuned precisely the same.



2^(1/12) = 1.059463..


(3/2)^(1/7) = 1.059634..






-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 ±6 -5 -4
F#7+11 F#mM7 /F#  /F#  F#m7-5 FM7+5 F#7alt F7+11 FmM7 /F  /F  Fm7-5 EM7+5
C#mM7 /C#  /C#  C#m7-5 CM7+5 C#7alt C7+11 CmM7 /C  /C  Cm7-5 BM7+5 C7alt
/G#  /G#  G#m7-5 GM7+5 G#7alt G7+11 GmM7 /G  /G  Gm7-5 GbM7+5 G7alt F#7+11
/D#  D#m7-5 DM7+5 D#7alt D7+11 DmM7 /D  /D  Dm7-5 DbM7+5 D7alt C#7+11 C#mM7
A#m7-5 AM7+5 A#7alt A7+11 AmM7 /A  /A  Am7-5 AbM7+5 A7alt Ab7+11 G#mM7 /G# 
EM7+5 F7alt E7+11 EmM7 /E  /E  Em7-5 EbM7+5 E7alt Eb7+11 EbmM7 /D#  /D# 
C7alt B7+11 BmM7 /B  /B  Bm7-5 BbM7+5 B7alt Bb7+11 BbmM7 /Bb  /A#  A#m7-5