Chrome OS update adds automatic window management

Google Chrome OS is a lightweight open source operating system based on network platform has been in many areas there have been a lot of speculation that Google is developing a run Chrome OS laptop. Recently, Chromebook Pixel finally meet with you. It is reported that Google on Google Chrome OS code updates, automatic window management and multi-screen support, to lay the foundation for the future development of new applications.

This latest update version has three main features, a touch screen and a high-density display. Elegant design. With Chrome OS products is a network-based device does not support desktop software, users can only rely on the browser window to use the web-based applications, and automated window management, and multi-screen support.

In addition, Chrome OS is copy protection features of HTML5 decryption module and encrypted media extensions provide great help to the user can according to their own requirements, like the application, put your favorite position to be ranked.

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