
Django Snippets:

Show users' full names for foreign keys in admin

Google Code:

cakepanel Simple panel for massive hosting
django-activitystream Django app for aggregating a collection of events into an activity stream.
django-apachelog Apache Log stats app for Django
django-ajax-filtered-fields Django fields for many to many and foreign key ajax filtered relations.
django-ratings Generic Ratings in Django


Views, URLs, and Generic Views in Django 1.0
django-simple-captcha 0.1.0
django-comments-spamfighter 0.4
[Python][Django][lighttpd] lighttpd をインストールして mod_fastcgi で Djangoアプリケーションを動かしてみる
Efficiently Test Emails in Django
Le temps des releases : Django-smileys

Aren’t django signals a little like comefrom?
Templatetag {% if %} con más comparaciones
Detect spam comments in Django: comments-spamfighter
Exploring Mixins with Django Model Inheritance
DjangoBot Channels
django-muaccounts Domain-based multi-user accounts
django-prepaid Django application supporting expiring units

Google App Engine:

Google App Engine patchを利用している時にテンプレートでMEDIA_URLが取得できなかった
google app engine patchのmediautils
[Python][GAE] Kayでlogin_requiredする
[prog][python] Google謹製 ソースコードレビューシステム rietveld(オープンソース版 Mondrian)を動かしてみましょう
Google App Engine: 簡単にグラフ・チャートを作成する