Curry Buffet

We go shopping to buy cloths for my son's recital. On th way shopping, we discuss about our lunch, and find a Indian lady handouts a flyer that is printed "We Star Curry Buffet Lunch!" It also says Indian milk tea is free for drink, so we decide to have lunch there; チャド.
That restaurant is rather small, and we barely have seats at counter. We have various foods such as freshly baked nan, tandoori chicken, or three kinds of curry (dal, kheema, chicken). Deli-deli :-)
An Indian clerk kindly says "Children are treasure for future. So we cannot say 'Please go out if you finish!' to them, even we are crowded." Their dishes are so tasty, and clerks are kind enough; it is good restaurant! I will come here again.


We buy something for dinner, with talking that we are not so hungry because we have plenty of lunch. As a result, Today's dinner will be spaghetti meat sauce that we have expected to have in these days.
Following the rule*1 of my family, I cook it. I say to Okuchan "At first, we should make chopped onion!" like American, she says "Who are you?!"; so I answer "... Martha Stewart." I guess this answer is interesting enough even I answered like by spinal reflex. :-)

  • How To Cook
    1. Sautee chopped onion (for two onions) until it gets light brown, and remove from the pan.
    2. Sautte ground meat at the same pan, and put the sauteed onion when the whole meat gets to be brown, and sautee with adding a bit salt.
    3. After meat and onion is well mixed, put red wine and evaporate alcohol very well.
    4. Check that the taste is not sour, and put canned whole tomato with crushing by hand.
    5. Boil 10 to 15 minutes, and now it is ready!

In addition to this "Martha" special spaghetti meat sauce, we also have sauteed spinach & shimeji mushrooms & bacon for dinner. Attendant drink is Yebis beer. I can evaluate this meat sauce is so good even it is cooked by myself; Deli-deli :-)

*1:The cuisine should be cooked by the person who loves the dish more.







  • 作り方
    1. まずは玉ねぎ2個分のみじん切りを薄い飴色になるまで炒めて、いったん鍋から取り除く。
    2. 同じ鍋でひき肉を炒めて、全体の色が変わったところで玉ねぎを投入、軽く塩をして、炒める。
    3. 肉と玉ねぎがなじんだら、赤ワインを投入して、よくアルコールを飛ばす。
    4. 味見して酸っぱさがないことを確認したら、ホールトマト缶を手で潰しながら投入。
    5. 10〜15分ほど煮詰めたら、できあがり。

