実践ビジネス英語 ディクテーション (10/28,29)

こんにちは。NHKラジオ「実践ビジネス英語」”Talk the Talk”のディクテーションです。
Lesson 14のテーマは、‘Morning Rituals’(朝の習慣)でした。Vignetteでは、充実した1日を送るための、さまざまな朝の日課が話題になりました。ジョギングでもちょっとした読書でもよく、その日の心の支え(psychic anchor for the day)として、毎朝繰り返す行動を見つけるとよいそうです。
Talk the Talk”では、朝は特別なことはしていないというHeatherさんが、朝の過ごし方について語られます。

Morning Ritual
(S: 杉田敏先生 H: Heather Howardさん)

S: Our current vignette talks about having a morning ritual, something that serves as a psychic anchor for the rest of the day. Do you have anything like that, Heather?

H: Preparing for this vignette made me realize that I don’t.
I do get some exercise every morning, primarily during the walk I’ve mentioned to my daughter’s daycare and then on to the nearest station.
But as of the time we’re recording this conversation, I don’t have any contemplative morning activities.
Nothing that’s focused on getting me centered and ready to face another day.
I’ve been thinking I’d like to do some yoga again.
It helped with my allergies in the past, and I’m sure it would be good for my stiffening limbs too.
There’s a woman at my company who’s a pretty serious yogi.
Maybe I could ask her to recommend some poses that are especially suited for a morning routine.
I probably won’t have a lot of time to devote to it, but if I could put together a 10- or 15-minute practice that would help get me going...
I’d also like to step outside for just a minute or two every morning ― take out the trash, for example, or just walk around the block a few times by myself.

S: Why is that?

H: I love walking around at the morning light, and the earlier, the better.
Maybe it’s because I’m getting some vitamin D, but it’s wonderful.
My body always feels like it’s been cleansed and getting lighter.

S: That sounds nice. Any other ideas?

H: I like Ueda’s habit of not checking his email or social media.
At the moment, I check mine almost as soon as I get up, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that heightens my tension right out of the gate in the mornings.
It’s like relinquishing control of my day as soon as it starts.
I’ve mentioned before how I usually spend about thirty minutes at a coffee shop on my way to work and I answer emails while I’m there?
Unless they’re time-sensitive projects I’m working on, I can probably wait until I get to the coffee shop to check my emails in the first place.
If nothing else, it would probably be better for my eyes

S: Collins says she writes in her diary, and has even been trying her hand at poetry.
What about trying something like that?

H: Heavens, no! Sorry, that was a gut reaction. I should clarify.
I don’t have anything against the act of writing in a diary or doing some creative writing.
It’s just that all my work involves writing. I don’t want even more of it when I’m off duty.
And Lyons mentions a man who draws in the mornings, but that’s out, too.
My skills are limited to approximate recreations of cartoon characters and animals my daughter likes.
