SOHO (South of Houston「ハウストン通りの南」の意)へ行って来ました。元々はアーティストが多く住んでいた場所ですが、今は家賃が上がり洋服、家具のお店ばかりになっています。東京で言えば、代官山か青山という感じでしょうか。クアラルンプールで言うと、分かりません。。。アーティストはと言うと、家賃の安い土地を探し求めて最近はブルックリンに多く住んでいるということです。

We went to SOHO (South of Houston).Many artist used to live in this place. But now, since the price of the rent became so expensive, most of the place we can see is shops, quite expensive branded shops.Friend told me that young artists are moving to more cheaper area such as brooklyn.


We have Uniqlo, a famous Japanese casual clothe shop just like Gap, here in SOHO. In Japan, it is seem not so fashionable, but in NYC, it is seen as a 'cool Japanese brand.'