

2016 Gordon-ConwellAdvent Devotional | Day 25 | The New Name

Luke 1:57-80
Zechariah and Elizabeth are the Abraham and Sarah of the New Testament. Barren until late in life, the couple—advanced in years—experiences an angelic visitation announcing a miraculous birth. Zechariah is terrified and then struck dumb (see parallel in Daniel 10:15) by the fearsome angel of the Lord, Gabriel (Old Testament appearances are found in Daniel 8:16ff; 9:21ff).

In the passage before us, the strange and wonderful story continues by way of a special naming and a special blessing on the Baptist. By rule of custom, the boy should have been named Zechariah after his father. But Elizabeth, without foreknowledge, picked the name the angel commanded. Apparently God’s call presupposes a special path that requires a new name of God’s own choosing (much like Saul/Paul or Abram/Abraham). When Zechariah confirms the name, there is shock and surprise from those gathered around. The shock turns to astonishment as Zechariah regains his voice in time to answer the question, “What then, is this child going to be?” The canticle of Zechariah, otherwise known as the Benedictus, recounts the saving deeds of the God of Israel, the role of John the Baptist to prepare the way of the Lord, and emphasizes the tender mercy of God, who shines his light upon those living in darkness.

May the shock, terror, speechlessness and surprise of the Advent story yield to the new name, the new hope and the new promise of the Christ who is God come near to us.

Dr. Gordon Isaac
Berkshire Associate Professor of Advent Christian Studies