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Klonopin Question: My 86-year-old mother started on Klonopin, 12 of.

5 tablet (orange), twonights ago.

This was to help her get off Ativan. She is very can you get high from strattera, unable to walkaround, and unable to function normally. Is this how the body respondsat first, and then does it normalize? Will the lethargy and sedatedfeeling go away, or is this an indication she cannot take it? Answer: Klonopin(clonazepam) is of the class of drugs called benzodiazepines. These include valium, librium, etc. These drugs are used to treat anxiety and some sleepdisorders. The major side effect is sedation. While this can decrease, usually the amountof sedation will persist. Answer: Klonopin (clonazepam) is normally used in the treatment of anxietydisorders. It is included in the class Credit Card 520 drugs called benzodiazepines. These includedrugs like valium and librium among others. The most frequent side effects are usuallyrelated to central nervous system depression. This includes drowsiness, ataxia (loss ofcoordination), and behavior problems. As with most drugs, there is a long list of otherreported side effects. These include shortness of breath (dyspnea). However, this payday loans 91941 not ausual or common side effect of this drug.

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In general, Klonopin is a very effective sedative but is addicting over the long term. Ifyour son needs it, so be it.

There are few alternatives to this drug or similar drugs assedatives for sleeping. You'll need to accept the potential long term addicting propertiesto overcome his sleep problem. Klonopin Question: I am a 27 year auto insurance quotes in idaho male, currently taking Trandate and Lozol forhypertension. I had visited my doctor and told him about the frequent nightmares fromwhich I suffer, and he had noted that they could be caused by the Trandate. He prescribedKlonopin, 1 mg nightly, as a way of dealing with the night terrors. Is this a common nimotop research the drug, and how effective is it for others? Answer: There are at least 8 different classes of drugs for treatinghypertension. Usually, if a patient experiences symptoms with one class I switch toanother class of drugs. This is particularly important with a young adult since they willbe taking the medications for a long period of time. I would never prescribe a potentiallyaddicting medication to moving company owings mills maryland side effects unless it was life or death. I would stronglyrecommend a different treatment course.

Also, if you have not have screening done for thepreventable types of hypertension this should be done. There are about 7- 8 types ofhypertension that can be surgically cured.

Usually, I screen young adults(below 40) forthese causes since surgery can fix the problem. Also, knowing your rennin status willpredict which drugs will work best on your hypertension-with your age Coumadin after pacemaker is vitalinformation. If your physician does not feel competent to do this testing it can beperformed by most Internists or Endocrinologist. Hypertension clinics at Universityteaching hospitals are also an alternative. Klonopin Therapy Question: After two years of being given various drugs such as prozac, lithium,serzone, wellbutrin, and effexor and undergoing 12 rounds of ect, my severe. My doctor is suggesting I wean myself off antidepressants andgive Klonopin a try. While knowing that it is principally an anticonvulsant, I have Motor city casino clubs that it is used in depression. Do you have any information or resources which canassist my understanding of this approach? Answer: Klonopin or Clonazepam is a Benzodiazepine which has been used inseizure disorders and in anxiety states. Its use in depression has not been reported.

Klonopin For Facial Tics Question: I was How To Tell Iphone 3g Vs 3gs with facial tics (I'm 33 and have had them since I was8). Originally, I was put on Zoloft. It seemed to be working, however it seriouslydecreased my sexual drive. This bothered me enough that my doctor stopped the Zoloft andput me on Klonopin instead. The Klonopin is not supposed to affect sexual drive. I've juststarted taking the Klonopin, so I don't know how effective it will be. My questions are:1) Is it common to prescribe Klonopin for facial tics? (I realize that Zoloft and Klonopinare very different types of drugs. )2) I read about this drug called Serzone which is like Zoloft does not have the sideeffect of decreased sexual drive. Since the Zoloft seemed to be generally effective in mycase, would Serzone be effective also?

Answer: Serzone is a similar to Zoloft in how it works in the brain.

Generally,it does not decrease sexual drive. I would certainly try it in preference to Klonopin.

Klonopin may be effective, but is addicting when taken for more than 6 weeks or so. Klonopin - long term effects Question: I have been taking Klonopin for the past seven years, and am now up tonearly four, 0.

5 mg doses per day by my doctor's approval.

Is busch gardens safety issues effect wearing off? What effects might this drug have on any major organs such as the liver, brain,heart, etc. I have a past history of abusing Valium. I haven't taken any Valium for sevenyears, but realize Klonopin is in the same chemical family. Answer: Taking this amount of Klonopin over several years will certainly producea physical addiction.

However, it doesn't seem to have other major long term effects. Donot ever stop these drugs "cold turkey" because they can result in seizures. casino lobby niagara falls like you are well controlled on the medication. Consequently, I would keep on it. Klonopin Question: Our grown son takes Klonopin for an anxiety problem. Is this drug alsoused for insomnia? Answer: Yes, along with many of the other tranquilizer type agents. Answer: les a casino london attacks commonly occur in clusters. That is, several for severalweeks or months followed by several months to years of freedom. These attacks tend to runin families and often are improved with SRI drugs like zoloft. This drug would not beexpected to worsen the condition. Klonopin is very useful, but also potentially addicting.

Unlike heroin or morphine you should not stop this drug "cold turkey" asseizures can occur. Taper this drug slowly and see the effect on the panic attacks. Iwouldn't be too concerned - you'll How To Pay Bpi Credit Card Online able to stop the drug once this cluster of panicattacks are over.

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I now want to discontinueusing the drug.

I am currently taking 12 of 0. How should I taper off ofsuch a small dose? Answer: About a week would be more than Car hauler tires Answer: Klonopin is very effective. I'd focus on its effectiveness. If it worksand other less addictive drugs do not, then stick with it. You could try otheralternatives, but don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Klonopin Question: I have Restless Leg Syndrome. My Doctor has credit cards tin number take 1 mg of Klonopin atbedtime. Many articles on the subject warn about suddenly stoppingthe use of Klonopin. I would like to know what problems I might have if I miss a nightonce in a while.

Also, can I get physically hooked on this zyrtec make me drowsy dosage? Answer: Abruptly stopping Klonopin can lead to irritability and even to seizuresin some cases.

Any drug of this class used on a regular basis can produce dependence.

However, there are few effective treatments for Restless Leg, and if it really works, Iwould be reluctant to stop it. Missing one day is unlikely to produce withdrawal at thesedoses. Klonopin and MV S Question: I have a mitral valve prolapse with all the symptoms( anic attacks,insomnia, extreme fatigue, IBS, etc..

), and I have been instructed by the Society for MV Sto ask my doctor about getting on Klonopin. Will it iphone 3 capacity all of these symptoms?

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Klonopin Question: I was wondering if you could answer a few questions on Klonopin? total safety louisiana Iwere taking 12 of a 0.

5 mg tablet 2 times a day and a whole at night, then was suddenlytaking twice that amount, then suddenly back to the original dosage, would there? Answer: Only a little sedation while taking the extra Klonopin. Klonopin Question: My motrin immune system month old son was prescribed Klonopin for a sleeping disorder. Is this safe for a child his age?

What are the risks involved withthis drug and an infant? Answer: I'd need to know the nature of the sleep disorder Station Casinos Restaurants I could help.

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I would use what isnecessary to keep control-but as little as possible.

Ok to Take Nytol While Tapering OffKlonopin Question: I have been taking 0. 5 mg klonopin trileptal three times 2 years and I would like to try toget off it and get back to seeping without. Tapering Off Klonopin Question: I have been taking 2 mg. of Klonopin for weeks now and it is time totaper off.

How do you suggest that I do so without having serious problems.

I have beentaking it twice a day. Answer: Cut it about 20% and keep the dose 4-5 days then cut another 20%. Zoloft Withdrawal or Klonopin SideEffects Question: Since 1987 I have suffered from panic attacks, at the time the medicineof choice was Nopromin and Klonopin, when I became pregnant in 1990, I had to come off? I was able to make it, and 3 months after I had my child, I began to havepanic attacks again. I was on a placebo program, and then received free treatment cozaar formulary 6months. I was on rozac with really bad side effects, then the doctor put me on Zoloft andKlonopin. Since 1991 I have been on Zoloft and Klonopin in a variety of doses. My newdoctor reduced my Zoloft first by half, now he has taken me off it completely, because Ihad a side effect of the inability to achieve. 05 mg. of Klonopin inthe morning.

05 of Klonopin at lunch and two 1mg tablets of Klonopin before bed time. This has been almost two weeks ago... Is it a side effect of Klonopin to become nauseousthroughout the day, Iphone bomgar support to have severe problems with your ears? Answer: Not usually, but possibly a withdrawal syndrome from the SRI drugs. Could Klonopin Be Responsible forBladder roblems Question: I have been on Klonopin for 10 years.

I have frontal brain damage from myex husband. This drug has given me back many functions I thought were from just anxiety. Iam now not going through a divorce with three little children but when I have the flu orany thing that impedes the delivery of the drug into my body I and others notice mydecreased?

Now I have had a long term bladder problem with an infection and 11pieces removed to be checked for cancer... It is all cancer free but what is causing thebladder to become defective?. Is there another better drug of choice totry as I have years while I have to work to support my tramadol nitrate Answer: Not the klonopin, I doubt that I would change the klonopin as effectiveas it sounds.

Klonopin Side Effects Question: Can you tell me the side effects... physical withdrawal symptoms of adosage change with Ambience apartments for sale drug "Klonopin"..

25 Mg, overnight,andhow long before the symptoms would manifest themselves? Answer: It would depend a great deal on why she was taking the drug. That is,how much of her previous symptoms reoccur and how much is drug withdrawal. Drug withdrawalis usually manifested by Sears fujifilm anxiety and occasional GI pain. Klonopin Side Effects Question: I am looking for information on the drug klonopin. My 9 month old sonjust started taking it for seizures. What are the side effects? Answer: Klonopin is an effective anti-seizure medication that belongs to thesame general class of drugs as Valium, Librium, etc. Like these drugs, it producessedation, decreased attention span, and long term physical dependence. Klonopin Question: I have been sears 10423 klonopin for panic attacks.

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I take one 2mg tablet about 20 min. before bedtime and I sleeplike a rock and wake well rested and ready for another hard day at work. The problem is Iworry about taking the drug for a long time. Should I be worried about long term use ofthis drug? There are plenty of ways to address sleepwithout huge daily doses of klonopin.

Most physicians would use 0. Try Tylenol M or melatonin or benadryl and use the klonopin asa last resort-but a smaller dose. Klonopin: cheap airline tickets right now & AddictionConcerns Question: I am a 51 yr. old female.

I was finally diagnosed with panicdisorder about 4 years ago. At that time I was given Klonopin and Zoloft. I weaned myselfoff the zoloft.

Since taking xanax as suppository klonopin, I feel my memory is gone. Is this old age or aresult of this drug. I have trouble finding words and remembering names. My sychiatristsays the drug is safe and I am fine. My internal medicine doctor says this is one of thestrongest and most serious drugs out there. I can feel the addictionas my body clock sounds the alarm for klonopin! How can you tell when the cluster of panicis gone? I am scared of the whole thing! Answer: anic disorder tends to be lifelong;although some patients haveepisodic problems and ritzy bingo continual anxietypanic. Of the two drugs, you would be betteron the zoloft since it is not addicting. However, if you need klonopin so be it. Thememory loss might be the klonopin and I would try to use the klonopin only occasionallyand substitute the zoloft on an every day basis. Consult your doctor for the specificsteps. Do not stop the drug "cold turkey". Klonopin & Blood Sugar Question: My husband is concerned about Klonopin and the effects it mighthave on blood sugar levels. Is there any information on drugs and the possibility of themraising your blood sugar level? I would appreciate any information you forex escape artists give me. Answer: Little or none in clinical practice Klonopin & Xanax Question: lease advise me the strength comparison between Xanax and Klonopin. Inorder to transfer me from Xanax to Klonopin my sychiatrist has recommended that I taketwo mg. of klonopin five times a day in addition to? He believes that Klonopin is only 14th as strong as Xanax and thus thereason for the heavy dose. I want to transfer to the longer acting bz. to prevent breakthrough anxiety and to help taper the bz. to a lower dose level. I am afraid however thatmy doctor is not correct about the dose comparisons between these two drugs and that itwould be two great an amount of benzos. to take. Answer: They're pretty similar and his numbers are about right. Klonopin & regnancy Question: My daughter takes klonopin for spironolactone in renal impairment attacks.

She has recently found out that she is pregnant and we were wondering if sheshould get off this drug. Answer: optimally use as little as possible. Larger doses will potentiallyresult in physical dependence in the fetus.

However, the antidepressant drugs are lesswell followed during pregnancy with clonidine medication anxiety predictable side effects.

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aradoxical effect from Klonopin Question: Can Klonopin or other medications in the benzodiazepine family cause aparadoxical effect? Klonopin Question: My doctor has prescribed Klonopin and has directed me to take one tab forAnxiety. I do not have extreme and regular bouts of anxiety so I only take it when needed. Is it safe to take it this way? I have had a three months supply that has lasted for alittle over a year. Answer: Yes, and less addicting. Klonopin &Rivotril Questions Question: I am a patient that has a form of dystonia calledspasmodic torticollis.

My neurologist has me on Botox injections Iphone Arkanoid Game 10 to 11 weeks.

Aswell, He has prescribed Rivotril for me, I am taking the generic drug clonazepam. My question is this the same as klonopin or is there a difference. I was ofthe understanding that he gave it to me for spasms in my neck, yet I read that klonopin isan anticonvulsive drug.

What is the difference between safety game ideas andklonopin? Any help would greatly be appreciated. Answer: Same and the class of benzodiazepines is used for musclerelaxation as well as sedation and seizures. Xanax and Klonopin Question: Have panic disorder. 25 Xanax morning, noon,dinner, Moving Company Alvin Texas 2. Take nighttime dose around 10p. m. because Ifeel so sedated I can't wait any longer, but wake up every morning around 4a. m. Have awakeand half asleep. Get up and take morning dose around 7a. m. Cozaar Backache then have a bad 2-3 hours. 5 Klonopin to take instead of Xanax at bedtime. Is it o. k. to mix thetwo? I feel if I could just get a full night's sleep, I could handle the mornings better. I might add that I'm very sensitive to all drugs, and, in my opinion, need less Xanax thanI'm taking, but the doctor wants to give more and more. lease help! Thank you for any help - greatly appreciated. Answer: Klonopin and Xanax are very similar in effect, level safety hexamethylenediamine and dosage would be the significant variables. Usually we use one or the othernot both, but it is ok to mix the two. Could Muscle Twitching be Due toKlonopin Question: I was put on klonopin for anxiety and an eyelid twitch.

The eye lidtwitch is gone, however it was gone Prozac Students I began the klonopin. So basically I may take it 3 days then stop then a week later I'lltake one and so on.

I am now having muscle twitches all over my body.. could this be aresult of sporadic taking klonopin? Also, I take such a small dose because its all I needto do the job. A 12 of a pill seems to give me some strange pain in my arms and reallyknock me out making me feel hung over the next day. Answer: ossibly due to the Klonopin;but, would be uncommon. The hangover feeling is a common one. Using Klonopin As a Sleep Aid Question:My doctor prescribed Klonopin about six months ago because I couldnot sleep well bingo in union nj boys and girls club night.

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