『Kingdom of Ants: José Celestino Mutis and the Dawn of Natural History in the New World』

Edward O. Wilson and José M. Gómez Durán

(2010年10月刊行,The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, x+99 pp.,ISBN:9780801897856 [hbk] → 版元ページ

たった100ページのハードカバー本.南米アリ学の18世紀の先駆者である José Celestino Mutis の足跡をたどりつつ,当時の科学と博物学について論じる.アリまたアリ.

Prologue 1
One: Who Was Mutis? 5
Two: The Making of an Eighteenth-Century Naturalist 9
Three: The Scientific Contributions of José Celestino Mutis 23
Four: Murtis Seeks Advice 27
Five: Mutis Begins His Study of Ants 31
Six: Ants Are Transported by Ships 37
Seven: Ant Plants and Plant Ants 39
Eight: Mrttis Learns about the Mule-Train (Leafcutter) Ants 43
Nine: Unending Struggles against the Mule-Train Ants 53
Ten: Ant Wars 57
Eleven: Mutis Solves the Mystery of the Nomadic Pataloas 63
Twelve: Mutis Measures the Size of an Army-Ant Colony 71
Thirteen: Mutis Tracks the Armies of Ants 75
Fourteen: Mutis Studies the Gender of ants and Makes an Amazing discovery 83
Fifteen: Mutis' Other Ants 89
Sixteen: How Good a Scientist Was Mutis? 93
Epilogue 97
Acknowledgments 99