絶対動く!MANTIS B級レシピ その7 グラフ表示

脱サラ大学生さんのページを參考に、google-chart WEBサービスを使用してやってみる。

まず、jpgraph-2.3.4.tar.gzコミュニティ版を株式会社アシアル ダウンロードからダウンロードします。

# su
# mkdir /var/www/html/mntis/jpgraph
# cd /tmp
# tar xvzf jpgraph-1.19.tar.gz
# cd jpgraph-1.19/src
# cp * /var/www/html/mntis/jpgraph/


# su
# vi /var/www/html/mantis/config_inc.php

$g_use_jpgraph = ON;
$g_jpgraph_path = '/var/www/html/mantis/jpgraph/';


# Mantis - a php based bugtracking system

# Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002  Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org
# Copyright (C) 2002 - 2007  Mantis Team   - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net

# Mantis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mantis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mantis.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

	# --------------------------------------------------------
	# $Id: graph_api.php,v 2007-10-13 22:35:29 giallu Exp $
	# --------------------------------------------------------

	if ( ON == config_get( 'use_jpgraph' ) ) {

	function graph_get_font() {

	### Graph API ###
	# --------------------
	# graphing routines
	# --------------------
	function graph_bar( $p_metrics, $p_title='', $p_graph_width = 350, $p_graph_height = 400 ){

		$max = 1;
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			$item = floor( $item );
			$p_metrics[$key] = $item;
			if( $max < $item ){
				$max = $item;

		if( $max < 10 ){
			$max = 10;
		} elseif( $max < 50 ){
			$max = 50;
		} elseif( $max < 100 ){
			$max = 100;
		} elseif( $max < 1000 ){
			$max = ( floor( $max / 100 ) + 1 ) * 100;
		} else {
			$max = ( floor( $max / 1000 ) + 1 ) * 1000;

		$step = array();
		for( $i = 0 ; $i < 6 ; $i++ ){
			$step[] = floor( ( $max / 5 ) * $i );

		$data = "chd=s:";
		$name_data = "";
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			$data .= substr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", $item/$max*61,1);

		$keys = array();
		$i = 0;
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			$keys[] = 't' . urlencode($key) . '(' . $p_metrics[$key] . ')' . ',000000,0,'.$i.',13,1';
		$name_data .= implode( "|", $keys );

		$param = array();
		$param[] = 'cht=bhg';
		$param[] = 'chtt='.urlencode($p_title);
		$param[] = 'chts=0000FF,16';
		$param[] = 'chf=bg,s,fafafa';
		$param[] = 'chs='.$p_graph_width.'x'.floor($p_graph_height);
		$param[] = $data;
		$param[] = 'chm='.$name_data;
		$param[] = 'chxt=x';
		$param[] = 'chxl=0:|' . implode( '|', $step );
		$param[] = 'chg=20,0';

		$url = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?' . implode( '&', $param );
		$chart = file_get_contents($url);

		header("Content-type: image/png");
		header("Cache-control: no-cache");

		echo $chart;


	# Function which displays the charts using the absolute values according to the status (opened/closed/resolved)
	function graph_group( $p_metrics, $p_title='', $p_graph_width = 350, $p_graph_height = 400, $p_baseline = 100 ){
		# $p_metrics is an array of three arrays
		#   $p_metrics['open'] = array( 'enum' => value, ...)
		#   $p_metrics['resolved']
		#   $p_metrics['closed']

		$max = 1;
		$sum_list = array();
		$item_list = array();
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			$sum = 0;
			foreach( $item as $key2 => $item2 ){
				$item = floor( $item2 );
				$sum_list[$key2] += $item;
				$item_list[$key2][$key] = $item;

				if( $max < $sum_list[$key2] ){
					$max = $sum_list[$key2];

		if( $max < 10 ){
			$max = 10;
		} elseif( $max < 50 ){
			$max = 50;
		} elseif( $max < 100 ){
			$max = 100;
		} elseif( $max < 1000 ){
			$max = ( floor( $max / 100 ) + 1 ) * 100;
		} else {
			$max = ( floor( $max / 1000 ) + 1 ) * 1000;

		$step = array();
		for( $i = 0 ; $i < 6 ; $i++ ){
			$step[] = floor( ( $max / 5 ) * $i );

		$data = "chd=t:";
		$name_data = "";
		$items = array();;
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			$item_str = array();
			foreach( $item as $key2 => $item2 ){
				$item_str[] = $item2/$max*100;

			$items[] = implode( ',', $item_str );
		$data .= implode( '|', $items );

		$keys = array();
		$i = 0;
		foreach( $item_list as $key => $item ){
			$keys[] = 't' . urlencode($key) . '(' . $sum_list[$key] . ')' . implode(':', $item_list[$key]) . ',000000,0,'.$i.',13,1';
		$name_data .= implode( "|", $keys );

		$param = array();
		$param[] = 'cht=bhs';
		$param[] = 'chtt='.urlencode($p_title);
		$param[] = 'chts=0000FF,16';
		$param[] = 'chf=bg,s,fafafa';
		$param[] = 'chs='.$p_graph_width.'x'.floor($p_graph_height);
		$param[] = $data;
		$param[] = 'chm='.$name_data;
		$param[] = 'chxt=x';
		$param[] = 'chxl=0:|' . implode( '|', $step );
		$param[] = 'chg=20,0';
		$param[] = 'chco=4d89f9,c6d9fd,c6d900,c6d988';
		$param[] = 'chdl=' . lang_get( 'legend_opened' ) . '|' . lang_get( 'legend_closed' ) . '|' . lang_get( 'legend_resolved' );

		$url = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?' . implode( '&', $param );
		$chart = file_get_contents($url);

		header("Content-type: image/png");
		header("Cache-control: no-cache");

		echo $chart;


	# --------------------
	# Function that displays charts in % according to the status
	# @@@ this function is not used...
	function graph_group_pct( $p_title='', $p_graph_width = 350, $p_graph_height = 400 ){

	# --------------------
	# Function that displays pie charts
	function graph_pie( $p_metrics, $p_title='',
			$p_graph_width = 500, $p_graph_height = 350, $p_center = 0.4, $p_poshorizontal = 0.10, $p_posvertical = 0.09 ){

		if( $p_graph_width * 0.50 < $p_graph_height ){
			$p_graph_height = $p_graph_width * 0.50;

		$sum = 0;
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			$item = floor( $item );
			$p_metrics[$key] = $item;
			$sum += $item;
		if( $sum == 0 ){
			$sum = 1;

		$data = "chd=s:";
		$name_data = "";
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			$data .= substr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", $item/$sum*61,1);

		$keys = array();
		$i = 0;
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			$keys[] = urlencode($key) . '(' . $p_metrics[$key] . ')';
		$name_data .= implode( "|", $keys );

		$param = array();
		$param[] = 'cht=p';
		$param[] = 'chl='.$name_data;
		$param[] = 'chtt='.urlencode($p_title);
		$param[] = 'chts=0000FF,16';
		$param[] = 'chf=bg,s,fafafa';
		$param[] = 'chs='.$p_graph_width.'x'.floor($p_graph_height);
		$param[] = $data;

		$url = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?' . implode( '&', $param );
		$chart = file_get_contents($url);

		header("Content-type: image/png");
		header("Cache-control: no-cache");

		echo $chart;

	# --------------------
	function graph_cumulative_bydate( $p_metrics, $p_graph_width = 300, $p_graph_height = 380 ){

		$key_list = array_keys($p_metrics);
		for( $date = $key_list[0] ; $date < $key_list[count($key_list)-2] ; $date += 60*60*24 ){
			if( !isset( $p_metrics[$date] ) ){
				$p_metrics[$date] = $p_metrics[$last];
			$last = $date;

		$p_title = lang_get( 'cumulative' );
		$p_labels = array( lang_get( 'legend_reported' ), lang_get( 'legend_still_open' ), lang_get( 'legend_resolved' ) );

		$data = array();
		$data[0] = array();
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			$data[0][] = $key;

			foreach( $item as $key2 => $item2 ){
				$data[$key2+1][] = $item2;

		graph_bydate( $data, $p_labels, $p_title, $p_graph_width, $p_graph_height );

	# --------------------
	function graph_bydate( $p_metrics, $p_labels, $p_title, $p_graph_width = 300, $p_graph_height = 380 ){

		if( 300000 < $p_graph_width * $p_graph_height ){
			$p_graph_height = 300000 / $p_graph_width;

		$p_metrics0 = $p_metrics;
		$p_metrics = array();
		foreach( $p_metrics0[0] as $key => $item ){
			$data = array();
			for( $i = 0 ; $i < count( $p_metrics0 ) - 1 ; $i++ ){
				$data[$i] = $p_metrics0[$i+1][$key];
			$p_metrics[$item] = $data;

		// skip
		$start = 0;
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			if( ( $start + 60*60*4 ) <= $key ){
				$start = $key;
			} else {
				unset( $p_metrics[$key] );

		$max = 1;
		$sum_list = array();
		$item_list = array();
		$x_list = array();
		foreach( $p_metrics as $key => $item ){
			$sum = 0;
			foreach( $item as $key2 => $item2 ){
				$item = floor( $item2 );
				$sum_list[$key2] += $item;
				$item_list[$key2][$key] = $item;

				if( $max < $item ){
					$max = $item;

			$x_list[] = date("n/j", $key);

		if( $max < 10 ){
			$max = 10;
		} elseif( $max < 50 ){
			$max = 50;
		} elseif( $max < 100 ){
			$max = 100;
		} elseif( $max < 1000 ){
			$max = ( floor( $max / 100 ) + 1 ) * 100;
		} else {
			$max = ( floor( $max / 1000 ) + 1 ) * 1000;

		$step = array( '' );
		for( $i = 1 ; $i < 6 ; $i++ ){
			$step[] = floor( ( $max / 5 ) * $i );

		$data = "chd=s:";
		$name_data = "";
		$items = array();;
		foreach( $item_list as $key => $item ){
			$item_str = "";
			foreach( $item as $key2 => $item2 ){
				$item_str .= substr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", $item2/$max*61,1);

			$items[] = $item_str;
		$data .= implode( ',', $items );

		$keys = array();
		$i = 0;
		foreach( $item_list as $key => $item ){
			$keys[] = 't' . urlencode($key) . '(' . $sum_list[$key] . ')' . implode(':', $item_list[$key]) . ',000000,0,'.$i.',13,1';
		$name_data .= implode( "|", $keys );

		$count = count( $x_list );
		if( 15 < $count ){
			$cut = floor( ($count+5) / 10 );
			foreach( $x_list as $key => $item ){
				if( $key % $cut != 0 ){
					unset( $x_list[$key] );

		$colors = array();
		$r = 0x80;
		$g = 0x80;
		$b = 0x40;
		for( $i = 0 ; $i < count( $p_labels ) ; $i++ ){
			$r += 0x80;
			if( 0xff < $r ){
				$r = 0x40;
				$g += 0x80;
			if( 0xff < $g ){
				$g = 0x40;
				$b += 0x80;
			if( 0xff < $b ){
				$b = 0x40;

			$colors[] = sprintf( "%02x%02x%02x", $r, $g, $b );

		$param = array();
		$param[] = 'cht=lc';
		$param[] = 'chtt='.urlencode($p_title . ' ' . lang_get( 'by_date' ));
		$param[] = 'chts=0000FF,16';
		$param[] = 'chf=bg,s,fafafa';
		$param[] = 'chs='.$p_graph_width.'x'.floor($p_graph_height);
		$param[] = $data;
		$param[] = 'chxt=y,x';
		$param[] = 'chxl=0:|' . implode( '|', $step ) . '|1:|' . implode( '|', $x_list );
		$param[] = 'chg='.floor(100/(count($x_list)-1)).',20';
		$param[] = 'chco=' . implode( ',', $colors );
		$param[] = 'chdl=' . urlencode( implode( "|", $p_labels ) );

		$url = 'http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?' . implode( '&', $param );
		$chart = file_get_contents($url);

		//var_dump($url);echo "<br /><img src=$url><br />";

		header("Content-type: image/png");
		header("Cache-control: no-cache");

		echo $chart;

	# --------------------
	# utilities
	# --------------------
	function graph_total_metrics( $p_metrics ){
		foreach ( $p_metrics['open'] as $t_enum => $t_value ) {
			$total[$t_enum] = $t_value + $p_metrics['resolved'][$t_enum] + $p_metrics['closed'][$t_enum];
		return $total;

	# --------------------
	# Data Extractions
	# --------------------
	# --------------------
	# summarize metrics by a single field in the bug table
	function create_bug_enum_summary( $p_enum_string, $p_enum ) {
		$t_project_id = helper_get_current_project();
		$t_bug_table = config_get( 'mantis_bug_table' );
		$t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
		$specific_where = " AND " . helper_project_specific_where( $t_project_id, $t_user_id );

		$t_arr = explode_enum_string( $p_enum_string );
		$enum_count = count( $t_arr );
		for ($i=0;$i<$enum_count;$i++) {
			$t_s = explode_enum_arr( $t_arr[$i] );
			$c_s[0] = addslashes($t_s[0]);
			$t_key = get_enum_to_string( $p_enum_string, $t_s[0] );

			$query = "SELECT COUNT(*)
					FROM $t_bug_table
					WHERE $p_enum='$c_s[0]' $specific_where";
			$result = db_query( $query );
			$t_metrics[$t_key] = db_result( $result, 0 );
		} # end for
		return $t_metrics;

	# Function which gives the absolute values according to the status (opened/closed/resolved)
	function enum_bug_group( $p_enum_string, $p_enum ) {
		$t_bug_table = config_get( 'mantis_bug_table' );

		$t_project_id = helper_get_current_project();
		$t_bug_table = config_get( 'mantis_bug_table' );
		$t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
		$t_res_val = config_get( 'bug_resolved_status_threshold' );
		$t_clo_val = CLOSED;
		$specific_where = " AND " . helper_project_specific_where( $t_project_id, $t_user_id );

		$t_arr = explode_enum_string( $p_enum_string );
		$enum_count = count( $t_arr );
		for ( $i=0; $i < $enum_count; $i++) {
			$t_s = explode( ':', $t_arr[$i] );
			$t_key = get_enum_to_string( $p_enum_string, $t_s[0] );

			# Calculates the number of bugs opened and puts the results in a table
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(*)
					FROM $t_bug_table
					WHERE $p_enum='$t_s[0]' AND
						status<'$t_res_val' $specific_where";
			$result2 = db_query( $query );
			$t_metrics['open'][$t_key] = db_result( $result2, 0, 0);

			# Calculates the number of bugs closed and puts the results in a table
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(*)
					FROM $t_bug_table
					WHERE $p_enum='$t_s[0]' AND
						status='$t_clo_val' $specific_where";
			$result2 = db_query( $query );
			$t_metrics['closed'][$t_key] = db_result( $result2, 0, 0);

			# Calculates the number of bugs resolved and puts the results in a table
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(*)
					FROM $t_bug_table
					WHERE $p_enum='$t_s[0]' AND
						status>='$t_res_val'  AND
						status<'$t_clo_val' $specific_where";
			$result2 = db_query( $query );
			$t_metrics['resolved'][$t_key] = db_result( $result2, 0, 0);
		} ### end for

		return $t_metrics;

	# --------------------
	function create_developer_summary() {

		$t_project_id = helper_get_current_project();
		$t_user_table = config_get( 'mantis_user_table' );
		$t_bug_table = config_get( 'mantis_bug_table' );
		$t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
		$specific_where = " AND " . helper_project_specific_where( $t_project_id, $t_user_id );

		$t_res_val = config_get( 'bug_resolved_status_threshold' );
		$t_clo_val = CLOSED;

		$query = "SELECT handler_id, status
				 FROM $t_bug_table
				 WHERE handler_id != '' $specific_where";
		$result = db_query( $query );
		$t_total_handled = db_num_rows( $result );

		$t_handler_arr = array();
		for ( $i = 0; $i < $t_total_handled; $i++ ) {
			$row = db_fetch_array( $result );
			if ( !isset( $t_handler_arr[$row['handler_id']] ) ) {
				$t_handler_arr[$row['handler_id']]['res'] = 0;
				$t_handler_arr[$row['handler_id']]['open'] = 0;
				$t_handler_arr[$row['handler_id']]['close'] = 0;
			if ( $row['status'] >= $t_res_val ) {
				if ( $row['status'] >= $t_clo_val ) {
				} else {
			} else {

		if ( count( $t_handler_arr ) == 0 ) {
			return array( 'open' => array() );

		$t_imploded_handlers = implode( ',', array_keys( $t_handler_arr ) );
		$query = "SELECT id, username
				FROM $t_user_table
				WHERE id IN ($t_imploded_handlers)
				ORDER BY username";
		$result = db_query( $query );
		$user_count = db_num_rows( $result );

		for ($i=0;$i<$user_count;$i++) {
			$row = db_fetch_array( $result );
			extract( $row, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'v' );

			$t_metrics['open'][$v_username] = $t_handler_arr[$v_id]['open'];
			$t_metrics['resolved'][$v_username] = $t_handler_arr[$v_id]['res'];
			$t_metrics['closed'][$v_username] = $t_handler_arr[$v_id]['close'];
		} # end for
		return $t_metrics;

	# --------------------
	function create_reporter_summary() {
		global $reporter_name, $reporter_count;

		$t_project_id = helper_get_current_project();
		$t_user_table = config_get( 'mantis_user_table' );
		$t_bug_table = config_get( 'mantis_bug_table' );
		$t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
		$specific_where = " AND " . helper_project_specific_where( $t_project_id, $t_user_id );

		$query = "SELECT reporter_id
				 FROM $t_bug_table
				 WHERE id != '' $specific_where";
		$result = db_query( $query );
		$t_total_reported = db_num_rows( $result );

		$t_reporter_arr = array();
		for ( $i = 0; $i < $t_total_reported; $i++ ) {
			$row = db_fetch_array( $result );

			if ( isset( $t_reporter_arr[$row['reporter_id']] ) ) {
			} else {
				$t_reporter_arr[$row['reporter_id']] = 1;

		if ( count( $t_reporter_arr ) == 0 ) {
			return array();

		$t_imploded_reporters = implode( ',', array_keys( $t_reporter_arr ) );
		$query = "SELECT id, username
				FROM $t_user_table
				WHERE id IN ($t_imploded_reporters)
				ORDER BY username";
		$result = db_query( $query );
		$user_count = db_num_rows( $result );

		for ($i=0;$i<$user_count;$i++) {
			$row = db_fetch_array( $result );
			extract( $row, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'v' );

			$t_metrics[$v_username] = $t_reporter_arr[$v_id];
		} # end for
		return $t_metrics;

	# --------------------
	function create_category_summary() {
		global $category_name, $category_bug_count;

		$t_project_id = helper_get_current_project();
		$t_cat_table = config_get( 'mantis_project_category_table' );
		$t_bug_table = config_get( 'mantis_bug_table' );
		$t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
		$specific_where = helper_project_specific_where( $t_project_id, $t_user_id );

		$query = "SELECT DISTINCT category
				FROM $t_cat_table
				WHERE $specific_where
				ORDER BY category";
		$result = db_query( $query );
		$category_count = db_num_rows( $result );
		if ( 0 == $category_count ) {
			return array();

		for ($i=0;$i<$category_count;$i++) {
			$row = db_fetch_array( $result );
			$t_cat_name = $row['category'];
			$c_category_name = addslashes($t_cat_name);
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(*)
					FROM $t_bug_table
					WHERE category='$c_category_name' AND $specific_where";
			$result2 = db_query( $query );
			$t_metrics[$t_cat_name] = db_result( $result2, 0, 0 );
		} # end for
		return $t_metrics;

	# --------------------
	function cmp_dates($a, $b){
		if ($a[0] == $b[0]) {
			return 0;
		return ( $a[0] < $b[0] ) ? -1 : 1;

	# --------------------
	function find_date_in_metrics($aDate){
		global $metrics;
		$index = -1;
		for ($i=0;$i<count($metrics);$i++) {
			if ($aDate == $metrics[$i][0]){
				$index = $i;
		return $index;

	# --------------------
	function create_cumulative_bydate(){

		$t_clo_val = CLOSED;
		$t_res_val = config_get( 'bug_resolved_status_threshold' );
		$t_bug_table = config_get( 'mantis_bug_table' );
		$t_history_table = config_get( 'mantis_bug_history_table' );

		$t_project_id = helper_get_current_project();
		$t_user_id = auth_get_current_user_id();
		$specific_where = helper_project_specific_where( $t_project_id, $t_user_id );

		# Get all the submitted dates
		$query = "SELECT date_submitted
				FROM $t_bug_table
				WHERE $specific_where
				ORDER BY date_submitted";
		$result = db_query( $query );
		$bug_count = db_num_rows( $result );

		for ($i=0;$i<$bug_count;$i++) {
			$row = db_fetch_array( $result );
			# rationalise the timestamp to a day to reduce the amount of data
 			$t_date = db_unixtimestamp( $row['date_submitted'] );
			$t_date = (int) ( $t_date / 86400 );

			if ( isset( $metrics[$t_date] ) ){
			} else {
				$metrics[$t_date] = array( 1, 0, 0 );

		### Get all the dates where a transition from not resolved to resolved may have happened
		#    also, get the last updated date for the bug as this may be all the information we have
		$query = "SELECT $t_bug_table.id, last_updated, date_modified, new_value, old_value
			FROM $t_bug_table LEFT JOIN $t_history_table
			ON $t_bug_table.id = $t_history_table.bug_id
			WHERE $specific_where
						AND $t_bug_table.status >= '$t_res_val'
						AND ( ( $t_history_table.new_value >= '$t_res_val'
								AND $t_history_table.field_name = 'status' )
						OR $t_history_table.id is NULL )
			ORDER BY $t_bug_table.id, date_modified ASC";
		$result = db_query( $query );
		$bug_count = db_num_rows( $result );

		$t_last_id = 0;
		for ($i=0;$i<$bug_count;$i++) {
			$row = db_fetch_array( $result );
			$t_id = $row['id'];
			# if h_last_updated is NULL, there were no appropriate history records
			#  (i.e. pre 0.18 data), use last_updated from bug table instead
			if (NULL == $row['date_modified']) {
				$t_date = db_unixtimestamp( $row['last_updated'] );
			} else {
				if ( $t_res_val > $row['old_value'] ) {
					$t_date = db_unixtimestamp( $row['date_modified'] );
			if ( $t_id <> $t_last_id ) {
				if ( 0 <> $t_last_id ) {
					# rationalise the timestamp to a day to reduce the amount of data
					$t_date_index = (int) ( $t_last_date / 86400 );

					if ( isset( $metrics[$t_date_index] ) ){
					} else {
						$metrics[$t_date_index] = array( 0, 1, 0 );
				$t_last_id = $t_id;
			$t_last_date = $t_date;


		$metrics_count = count($metrics);
		$t_last_opened = 0;
		$t_last_resolved = 0;
		foreach ($metrics as $i=>$vals) {
			$t_date = $i * 86400;
			$t_metrics[$t_date][0] = $t_last_opened = $metrics[$i][0] + $t_last_opened;
			$t_metrics[$t_date][1] = $t_last_resolved = $metrics[$i][1] + $t_last_resolved;
			$t_metrics[$t_date][2] = $t_metrics[$t_date][0] - $t_metrics[$t_date][1];
		return $t_metrics;

	function graph_date_format ($p_date) {
		return date( config_get( 'short_date_format' ), $p_date );

	# ----------------------------------------------------
	# Check that there is enough data to create graph
	# ----------------------------------------------------
	function error_check( $bug_count, $title ) {

		if ( 0 == $bug_count ) {
			$t_graph_font = graph_get_font();

			$graph = new CanvasGraph(300,380);

			$txt = new Text( lang_get( 'not_enough_data' ), 150, 100);
			$txt->SetFont( $t_graph_font, FS_BOLD );
			$graph->title->Set( $title );
			$graph->title->SetFont( $t_graph_font, FS_BOLD );



; language for internal character representation.
;mbstring.language = Japanese

; internal/script encoding.
; Some encoding cannot work as internal encoding.
; (e.g. SJIS, BIG5, ISO-2022-*)
;mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8

; http input encoding.
;mbstring.http_input = auto

; http output encoding. mb_output_handler must be
; registered as output buffer to function
;mbstring.http_output = UTF-8

; enable automatic encoding translation according to
; mbstring.internal_encoding setting. Input chars are
; converted to internal encoding by setting this to On.
; Note: Do _not_ use automatic encoding translation for
;       portable libs/applications.
;mbstring.encoding_translation = On
; automatic encoding detection order.
; auto means
;mbstring.detect_order = auto

; substitute_character used when character cannot be converted
; one from another
;mbstring.substitute_character = none;

; overload(replace) single byte functions by mbstring functions.
; mail(), ereg(), etc are overloaded by mb_send_mail(), mb_ereg(),
; etc. Possible values are 0,1,2,4 or combination of them.
; For example, 7 for overload everything.
; 0: No overload
; 1: Overload mail() function
; 2: Overload str*() functions
; 4: Overload ereg*() functions
;mbstring.func_overload = 0


  • やはりgoogle-chart(WEBサービス)を使用しているため、グラフが6個一度に出るもの(中国語では進階摘要)を選択するとタイムアウトになってXマークがでるものがある。なので、PHPタイムアウト時間を以下のように変更新。とりあえず、30秒から60秒に設定する。

# su
# vi /etc/php.ini

max_execution_time = 90 ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds


  • どうもMANTISのグラフ表示はs_で始まる、文言定数(列挙型)から判断しているようで、g_で配列メンバを削っても関係なく表示される。本体と作りが違う。なのでs_の文字定数も変更したg_中の配列メンバをあわせる。

