
  • 今日はわけあってバス&列車通勤。
  • 家からMountain Viewに向かうVTA 51系統バスの中で、GoogleWiFiが使えるか試してみた

結果: 意外と使えた

  • Los Altos市側はGoogleWiFiのアクセスポイントがほとんど存在しないが、Mountain View市に入ってからは結構な密度で存在。
  • バスがそれなりの速度で移動している間は通信不能になるが、停留所や交差点で停止した時には問題なく通信可能に。


Merrill Lynch Announces Substantial Sale of U.S. ABS CDOs, Exposure Reduction of $11.1 Billion

CDO Sale:

On July 28, 2008, Merrill Lynch agreed to sell $30.6 billion gross notional amount of U.S. super senior ABS CDOs to an affiliate of Lone Star Funds for a purchase price of $6.7 billion. At the end of the second quarter of 2008, these CDOs were carried at $11.1 billion, and in connection with this sale Merrill Lynch will record a write-down of $4.4 billion pre-tax in the third quarter of 2008.

On a pro forma basis, this sale will reduce Merrill Lynch’s aggregate U.S. super senior ABS CDO long exposures from $19.9 billion at June 27, 2008, to $8.8 billion, the majority of which comprises older vintage collateral – 2005 and earlier. The pro forma $8.8 billion super senior long exposure is hedged with an aggregate of $7.2 billion of short exposure, of which $6.0 billion are with highly-rated non-monoline counterparties, of which virtually all have strong collateral servicing agreements, and $1.1 billion are with MBIA. The remaining net exposure will be $1.6 billion. The sale will reduce Merrill Lynch’s risk-weighted assets by approximately $29 billion.

Merrill Lynch will provide financing to the purchaser for approximately 75% of the purchase price. The recourse on this loan will be limited to the assets of the purchaser. The purchaser will not own any assets other than those sold pursuant to this transaction. The transaction is expected to close within 60 days.

  • メリル保有CDOをLone Star Fundsに売却
  • Lone Star Fundsは、CDO買収資金の75%をメリルから借用
  • その借金はノンリコース
  • Lone Star Fundsは、買収したCDO以外に資産はない





[warn] proxy: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /hogehoge/. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules are included in the configuration using LoadModule.




CR経由でLAT記事:Mervynsが破産保護申請(Chapter 11)を出した事を知る。

  • MervinsはBay AreaのHaywardに本拠地をおくショボい百貨店。
  • San MateoのHillsdaleショッピングセンターにも店がある。ショボい。
  • 取引先が納品を拒否しているとか悪い噂は聞いていたが、ついにChapter 11に。
  • Chapter 11の元、営業は続ける模様。


Mish: Bennigan's Is Bankrupt, Faces Chapter 7 Liquidation

  • こちらはChapter 7=解散前提
  • 従業員には当日朝「出社に及ばず」という指令が下ったらしい
  • Zero Dayあぼ〜ん...