

Mountain Lilies(ささゆり)

There is a flower I usually remember around the gloomy rainy season. It is a
mountain lily which bloomed in the depths of a mountain my grandfather

possessed. Mountain lilies growing in crowds I saw in my childhood showed me a
picturesque scene. The flower which is pale pink, pretty, neat, and clean is the one
that I like best of all flowers. When I ask myself what flower I like best, a mountain lily
has always taken the first place for several decades of my life.
Beauty created by the whole balance of some factors, such as, tints, softness, shape,
fragrance, is something special to me.
I think of mountain lilies which were blooming in my grandfather's mountain, and
wonder whether they are still there.
The Buddha teaches that nature ___mountains, rivers, trees, and plants___ entirely
has Buddha- nature. Amida's Light has continuously been illuminating everything
impartially even in steep mountains and deep valleys. I am sure mountain lilies are in
the tender light of Amida's Compassion ; in that place even now.

 うっとうしい梅雨の頃になると、いつも思い出す花があります。祖父の所有する山奥に咲いていた、ささゆりの花です。幼いころ見たささゆりの群生、それは絵のように美しい光景でした。淡いピンクのあの可憐で清楚な感じの花は、生れてこの方〇〇年経った今も、一番好きな花は何? と自問してみても、やはりささゆりに落ち着きます。