
福居伸宏 Nobuhiro Fukui https://fknb291.info/

現象学的社会学(げんしょうがくてきしゃかいがく)とは - コトバンク


phenomenological sociology

 現象学の諸現象は経験の諸事実ではなく、意味なのであり、記述さるべき諸現象はもろもろの意味にほかならない。現象学的社会学では、人間は意味の付与、意味の理解と解釈などの主体なのであり、人間存在、日常の生活世界、生活誌の状況、生活史、自我、アイデンティティ、身体、他者、多元的現実、生活の場面と諸領域などの考察が行われてきている。現象学的社会学の舞台に姿をみせる人間は、アクティブな創造的人間、意味のなかで生きている生活者なのであり、世界や生活、他者や道具や作品、また風景などに巻き込まれた状態にある世界体験の主体である人間と人間の生存領域が、クローズアップされてくるのである。[山岸 健]
『P・L・バーガー、T・ルックマン著、山口節郎訳『日常世界の構成』(1977・新曜社) ▽A・シュッツ著、佐藤嘉一訳『社会的世界の意味構成』(1982・木鐸社) ▽M・ナタンソン他編、渡部光・那須壽・西原和久訳『アルフレッド・シュッツ著作集』第1〜4巻(1983〜98・マルジュ社) ▽江原由美子・山岸健編『現象学的社会学』(1985・三和書房) ▽江原由美子著『生活世界の社会学』(1985・勁草書房) ▽H・ガーフィンケル、山田富秋他編訳『エスノメソドロジー』(1987・せりか書房) ▽西原和久編著『現象学的社会学の展開』(1991・青土社) ▽廣松渉著『現象学的社会学の祖型』(1991・青土社) ▽山岸健著『社会的世界の探究』新増補(1997・慶応義塾大学出版会) ▽那須壽著『現象学的社会学への道』(1997・恒星社厚生閣) ▽A・シュッツ著、桜井厚訳『現象学的社会学の応用』新装版(1997・御茶の水書房) ▽好井裕明著『批判的エスノメソドロジーの語り』(1999・新曜社)』


Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, Hart House, University of Toronto

Conceptual Art in Canada: The 1960s and 70s

Badischer Kunstverein
Waldstraße 3, Karlsruhe, Germany

Part I: April 19 - June 23 2013
Opening: Thursday 18 April, 2013, 7 pm

Part II: June 28 - September 8 2013
Opening: Thursday 27 June, 2013, 8 pm

From April to September 2013, Badischer Kunstverein is hosting a major exhibition and series of events on conceptual art in Canada with a special focus on the 1960s and 1970s. This exhibition is the first comprehensive presentation of Canadian conceptual art in Europe and is part of Badischer Kunstverein's ongoing interest in histories of conceptual art, explored in exhibitions such as 'Why here is always somewhere else' (2008) and 'Nancy Holt: Sightlines' (2011). CONTINENTAL DRIFT presents works of more than 100 artists on all three floors of the Kunstverein. Featured artists include important Canadian protagonists Vera Frenkel, General Idea, Garry Neill Kennedy, Ken Lum, N.E. Thing Co., Michael Snow, Françoise Sullivan, Jeff Wall, Ian Wallace, and Joyce Wieland, as well as American and European artists who realized important pieces in Canada during this time and had a lasting effect on conceptual art there, such as John Baldessari, Dan Graham, Sol LeWitt, Martha Rosler and Robert Smithson.

CONTINENTAL DRIFT is devoted to a significant and hitherto underrepresented period in Canadian art. Involving a broad spectrum of materials and media, the exhibition sheds light on some of the most unique characteristics of Canadian conceptual art - especially the role of artists' collectives and the network of artist-run centers, but also the development of new artistic mediums and the influence of Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan. The exhibition accentuates a diversity of local vantage points in the ongoing project of revisiting the history of conceptual art globally.

Organized thematically, CONTINENTAL DRIFT features five intertwined chapters in two consecutive parts. The first part will be dedicated to the artistic exploration of geography, mapping, landscape, and sites. The political implications of language, communication, and discourse are the focus of a second, large constellation of artworks. A third chapter centers on the critical scrutiny of conventional approaches of teaching and pedagogy with a view to the alternative concepts applied at the Nova Scotia College of Art & Design (NSCAD) in Halifax. For the second part of the exhibition, which opens in late June, two points of thematic focus will be added. First, the relationship between conceptual art and body politics will be seen against the backdrop of feminist and queer strategies. Second, the intensification of artists' networking activities and collaborative projects will be thematized.


◇ Artnews.org: CONTINENTAL DRIFT: Conceptual Art in Canada: The 1960s and 70s at Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe

Participating artists:
Vito Acconci, Bas Jan Ader, David Askevold, John Baldessari, Bruce Barber, Arthur Bardo and Gary Coward, Marcella Bienvenue, Robert Bowers, Wallace Brannen, Eric Cameron, Colin Campbell, Ian Carr-Harris, Melvin Charney, Tim Clark, Robin Collyer, Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge, Michael de Courcy, Sylvain P. Cousineau and Francis Coutelier, Kenneth Coutts-Smith, Kate Craig, Stephen Cruise, Greg Curnoe, Max Dean, Tom Dean, Jean-Marie Delavalle, Jan Dibbets, Christos Dikeakos, Brian Dyson, Dean Ellis, Gathie Falk, Gerald Ferguson, Michael Fernandes, Vera Frenkel, Jeff Funnell, Charles Gagnon, General Idea, Raymond Gervais, Dan Graham, Rodney Graham, John Greer, Hans Haacke, Noel Harding, John Heward, Douglas Huebler, Image Bank (Michael Morris and Vincent Trasov), Carole Itter, Richards Jarden, Bill Jones, Pat Kelly, Garry Neill Kennedy, Roy Kiyooka, Robert Kleyn, Suzy Lake, Gordon Lebredt, Les Levine, Glenn Lewis, Sol LeWitt, Lee Lozano, Ken Lum, Duane Lunden, Don Mabie, Allan Harding MacKay, Arnaud Maggs, John McEwen, Bruce McLean, Albert McNamara, Ian Murray, N.E. Thing Co., Gunter Nolte, Dennis Oppenheim, Andy Patton, Harold Pearse, Clive Robertson, Martha Rosler, Tom Sherman, Robert Smithson, Michael Snow, Lisa Steele, Françoise Sullivan, David Tomas, Serge Tousignant, John Van Saun, Bill Vazan, Jeff Wall, Ian Wallace, Theodore Wan, Douglas Waterman, John Watt, Lawrence Weiner, Irene F. Whittome, Joyce Wieland, Martha Wilson, Paul Woodrow, Jon Young, Tim Zuck.


◇ IAIN BAXTER&: "How I Became the &MAN" - YouTube

◇ Kasper König im Gespräch mit Garry Neill Kennedy - YouTube

◇ Garry Neill Kennedy: "The Last Art College. Nova Scotia College of Art and Design 1968-1978" - YouTube

◇ Suzy Lake: "Performing for the Camera in the 1960s and 70s: So Whose Gaze is it Now?" - YouTube

◇ Lisa Steele: "I Will (Still) Make Boring Art (Redux)" - YouTube

◇ Ian Wallace: "The 'Impure' Aspects of Conceptual Art" - YouTube

ブラザーズ・クエイ - Wikipedia

ブラザーズ・クエイ(Brothes Quay, Quay Brothers, クエイ兄弟)は、スティーブン・クエイとティモシー・クエイ(Stephen and Timothy Quay, 1947年6月17日-)の一卵性双生児の兄弟で、アメリカ・ペンシルベニア州・ノリスタウン生まれの、映像作家。


Universalmuseum Joanneum :: Exhibitions

Landscape in Motion
Cinematic Visions of an Uncertain Tomorrow
13.03.-26.10.2015 10:00-17:00

Opening: 12.03.2015, 7 pm
In cooperation with Camera Austria, Diagonale 2015 and the Austrian Film Museum.
Curated by: Peter Pakesch and Katrin Bucher Trantow

Landscape takes place. According to Lucius Bruckhardt, it is not the mere appearance of the environment, it is also a structure which we only perceive with the help of our pictorial memory. The architect and ‘strollologist’ thus refers to a perception of landscape which can be understood in pictorial sequences – the filmic perspective, located in time, maintains that distance to landscape needed to perceive it.

In fact we can hardly imagine these days looking at the landscape without the ‘eye’ of the camera. Alone the view of our planet from space, which shaped our consciousness following the first photograph of our globe from the moon, changed permanently our dealings with landscape: from this perspective we perceive earth as a landscape that has been recorded, tamed and appropriated by man as territory. Its definitive finiteness and the ongoing change in resources, e.g. in agricultural land, are radically brought to our attention day in, day out with the help of the camera.

Using the example of pioneering works from the 1960s, the exhibition Landscape in Motion shows that landscape is a term that is subject to continuous change in the human mind. Film plays an essential role in this – as the prerequisite for capturing the reality of landscape, but also as a kind of catalyst that fundamentally influences these processes of perception.

The exhibition is accompanied by an inter-disciplinary programme and catalogue, with approaches from the following exhibitions: Disputed Landscape as engagement with the disputed concepts of a photographic image of landscape, in the Camera Austria; HyperAmerica with a focus on the ambivalence felt towards land grabs as we recognise it in the American landscapes of the Hyperrealists and the photographers of the New Topographics, on show in Space01 in the Kunsthaus Graz; Landscape: Transformation of an Idea, which offers an overview of the historical development of the image of landscape, to be seen in the Neue Galerie Graz; and finally, the Political Landscape of the Ausseerland, which is treated in an exhibition of the same name, at the Institute for Art in Public Space.

With works by Darren Almond, Rosa Barba, James Benning, Ursula Biemann, Lucius Burckhardt, Leo Calice und Gerhard Treml, Center for Land Use Interpretation, Tacita Dean, Marine Hugonnier, Mathias Kessler, Markus Jeschaunig, Armin Linke, Lukas Marxt, David Nez, Walter Niedermayr, Qiu Anxiong, Ed Ruscha, Klaus Schafler, Allan Sekula, Robert Smithson, Shi Guorui, Michael Snow, Guido van der Werve.


129 | 2015 | Camera Austria

Communitas: The Commons Subject and the Subject of Community
Art Is Concrete: How Concrete. Art and Efficacy
Unexpected Encounters: Contemporary in the Past?
The Militant Image: Notes on Anti-Representation, Negative Articulation, and Political Resistance
Eiko Grimberg, Marco Poloni, Clemens von Wedemeyer
