(PuTTYユーザマニュアル) 2.4 ログイン後 - 2.4 After logging in

http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.60/htmldoc/Chapter2.html#gs-sessionの日本語訳です。<< 2.3 ログインする - 目次に戻る - 2.5 ログアウトする >>



After you log in to the server, what happens next is up to the server! Most servers will print some sort of login message and then present a prompt, at which you can type commands which the server will carry out. Some servers will offer you on-line help; others might not. If you are in doubt about what to do next, consult your system administrator.

<< 2.3 ログインする - 目次に戻る - 2.5 ログアウトする >>