
そこで、コマンドラインからDebian系のaptに似たコマンド apt-cyg を導入してみる。

cd /usr/src
git clone
cd /usr/local/bin/
ln -s /usr/src/apt-cyg/apt-cyg


"apt-cyg find " :検索
"apt-cyg install " :インストール


$ apt-cyg --help
apt-cyg: Installs and removes Cygwin packages.
  "apt-cyg install <package names>" to install packages
  "apt-cyg remove <package names>" to remove packages
  "apt-cyg update" to update setup.ini
  "apt-cyg show" to show installed packages
  "apt-cyg find <patterns>" to find packages matching patterns
  "apt-cyg describe <patterns>" to describe packages matching patterns
  "apt-cyg packageof <commands or files>" to locate parent packages
  "apt-cyg pathof <cache|mirror|mirrordir|cache/mirrordir|setup.ini>"
                                                          to show path
  "apt-cyg key-add <files> ..." to add keys contained in <files>
  "apt-cyg key-del <keyids> ..." to remove keys <keyids>
  "apt-cyg key-list" to list keys
  "apt-cyg key-finger" to list fingerprints
  "apt-cyg upgrade-self" to upgrade apt-cyg
  "apt-cyg depends <package names>"
         to show forward dependency information for packages with depth.
  "apt-cyg rdepends <package names>"
         to show reverse dependency information for packages with depth.
  "apt-cyg completion-install" to install completion.
  "apt-cyg completion-uninstall" to uninstall completion.
  "apt-cyg mirrors-list" to show list of mirros.
  "apt-cyg benchmark-mirrors <url> ..." to benchmark mirrors.
  "apt-cyg benchmark-parallel-mirrors <url> ..." to benchmark mirrors in parallel.
  "apt-cyg benchmark-parallel-mirrors-list" to benchmark mirrors-list in parallel.
  --charch <arch>          : change archetecture
  --use-setuprc            : set cache and mirror with /etc/setup/setup.rc
  --ignore-case, -i        : ignore case distinctions for <patterns>
  --force-remove           : force remove
  --force-fetch-trustedkeys: force fetch trustedkeys
  --no-verify, -X          : Don't verify setup.ini signatures
  --no-check-certificate   : Don't validate the server's certificate
  --proxy, -p <auto|inherit|none|URL> :
                             set proxy (default: ${APT_CYG_PROXY:-auto})
                             get subcommand (for completion internal use)
                             disable completion autoupdate
  --max-jobs, -j <n>       : Run n jobs in parallel
  --mirror, -m <url>       : set mirror
  --cache, -c <dir>        : set cache
  --file, -f <file>        : read package names from file
  --noupdate, -u           : don't update setup.ini from mirror
  --ipv4, -4               : wget prefer ipv4