
ペルーのフジモリ元大統領、軍による虐殺関与を否定 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News


The former president, who was extradited from Chile to Peru in September to stand trial on charges of human rights abuses and murder, said that there was no written order from him for the army to kill subversives or destroy their villages.

"Everything has to be written and at no time did I order assassinations or disappearances," he said.


Last Friday Fujimori apologized for any abuses committed during his regime, but accepted no responsibility for them.

"I do apologize, now that we are in this process, to all of those victims ... those victimized by the forces of order as well as those by the Shining Path and the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement," he said, referring to two violent leftist rebel groups crushed during his presidency.

Gisela Ortiz, spokeswoman for the relatives of Colina Group victims, said that Fujimori may have apologized but did not ask for forgiveness.

"There is no way that we can accept that hypocritical gesture from the ex-president," she said.


