
ワタスも思わずブクマしたのですが、「ハーグ条約」加盟で国際結婚はどうなる? 弁護士に聞いてみた (弁護士ドットコム) - Yahoo!ニュース 「ハーグ条約」加盟で国際結婚はどうなる? 弁護士に聞いてみた (弁護士ドットコム) - Yahoo!ニュースこの記事なんつうかひどいですよね。





「日本の民法上、親権については『子の福祉』という観点から考えられてきました。ハーグ条約は、子の福祉を一応うたってはいますが、子の引きはがしという事 態や、その後の面会交流の困難さを考えると、子の福祉よりも、『親の子に対する権利』を主眼としたものと言わざるをえません」

こちらに国際結婚破たん後の親権問題を扱っている米国人弁護士のJeremy D. Morley氏の論説があるんですが、条約の精神についての解説が大変参考になりましたよ。http://www.iaml.org/cms_media/files/the_hague_abduction_convention_and_human_rights_a_critique_of_the_neulinger_case_revised.pdf?static=1

The central tenet of the Hague Convention has always been that, while any custody determination must be based on an analysis of the child’s best interests, that issue should be decided by the courts of the country in the habitual residence from which the child was taken and not by the courts of the country to which a child was wrongfully removed or in which the child was wrongfully retained. The Hague Convention is a jurisdiction-selection treaty; a case brought pursuant to it does not determine the custody of the child but merely determines where that determination shall be made.
The reasons for the Convention are well known. The best way to deter international child abduction is to ensure that international child abduction is not rewarded. In particular, forum shopping in such cases should be discouraged. The best solution is to return abducted children promptly to their habitual residence whose courts are the most appropriate to determine the best interests of children.
Undoubtedly the Hague Convention adopted a “greater good” premise, meaning that it is intended to discourage international child abduction in general even if in any specific case it might perhaps be best for that particular child not to be returned. However, the drafters of the Convention recognized that a balance must be struck between the interest of children in general not to be wrongfully taken from their habitual residence and the need to protect individual children in specific, extreme and unusual cases. For this reason, while the Convention contains certain exceptions to the rule requiring a child’s prompt return to the habitual residence, they are carefully delineated, they are to be narrowly interpreted and even if they are established the courts nonetheless retain a discretion to order the child’s return.
States adopted the Convention because they agreed with this philosophy and they expected that their treaty partners would adhere to it. When the United States was considering whether to adopt the Hague Convention, the U.S. State Department explained to Congress that, “The Convention is premised upon the notion that the child should be promptly restored to his or her country of habitual residence so that a court there can examine the merits of the custody dispute and award custody in the child's best interests.” It specifically explained that the grave risk exception “was not intended to be used by defendants as a vehicle to litigate (or relitigate) the child's best interests.”

