海外からの賛同・連帯メッセージ Solidarity messages from around the world.


If you want to send a message of solidarity, click here

●Donations for the sit-in welcome:
Via bank:
Account name: Shut Tomari Please mark all donations to: "Women's
Sit-In" ("Onna Suwarikomi")
・Japan Post Bank, postal transfer account: 02720-5-79991
・Japan Post Bank, regular savings deposit: account number 19050
(From other banks send to account number:

●Via PayPal:
Please mark all donations to: "Women's Sit-In" ("Onna Suwarikomi")


Just a brief note to let you know that we shall be with all the Japanese women in spirit as you protest against nuclear energy staring on 27 October. I am sending you lots of positive activist energy from across the seas in East Africa.

Sylvia Tamale
Professor of Law
Makerere University


Will support them for sure

Fahima A. Hashim
Salmmah Women's Resource Centre

スーダン/ファヒマ・A.ハシム(サルマ女性資料センター代表 )】

I stand in solidarity with the women of Japan as they speak and act against the shameful cover-up of the Fukushima disaster. Women's bodies are on the frontlines of industrial disasters and the first casualties. The Japanese government is accountable to the people of the world, and the world is watching.

Shailja Patel


Dear Sisters in Japan,

I salute your far-sightedness and courage in organising and holding your Anti-Nuclear Sit-In.
People must be protected from the radiation resulting from the Fukushima Disaster.
And future disasters must be avoided - the only way to do that is to stop using nuclear power now.

I salute you, and, I join with you.

Ayesha Imam
Nigerian women's rights activist
(awarded with BAOBAB for Women's Human Rights, the John Humphrey Human 'rights Award)


Dear sisters
We herebye send you our message of solidarity and support for your efforts to recall the japanese government
of its responsibilty to ensure safe living conditions to the japanese people
Our hearts and souls are with you

Fatima Outaleb
Union de L'Action Feminine
Rabat Morocco

人々の安全な生活の確保という日本政府の責任を喚起しようと するみなさんの努力に連帯と応援のメッセージを送ります。

Just a quick note to you and your colleagues, sisters, and allies, to let you know I am happy to support you in your anti-nuclear protest. I am very aware of the situation you face, through my colleagues in Greenpeace Japan. I am also someone who represented (as a lawyer in the UK many years ago) the women of Greenham Common who protested the placing of nuclear weapons on 'common land' i.e. 'people's land'. Those women were my heroes, and so are you. Please pass this message on.

Yours in solidarity,

sarah burton

【サラ・バートン(グリーンピース・インターナショナル プログラム・ディレクター)】

A note of support for your anti-nuclear protest. Stand strong sisters, your voice is heard all over the world, we stand in solidarity with you.



I pray and believe that your dedication and power together will stop to resolve and materialize the abolition of all the nuclear power in Japan.
In New York we will be holding our first event of 'Learn from 3・11 Project' on the same day, October 27..
I see some synchronicity happening in here.
Please tell all the women and people that we in New York, are all inspired and committed to continue to do what we can.



I wish I could be with you... I am disabled and in poor health but will be with you in spirit. God Bless You.



I did receive this email and was too dumbstruck at first to believe it. It really is horrible. But this is also how they spread the diseases radiation induces. That way, when people try to compare the supposedly exposed to a "control", the data are skewed because the control is contaminated too, just not in the way they are examining.
This is truly reprehensible and represents one of the main reasons we can't have this technology: the temptation to do something horrible when backed into a corner is too great...
Hope all is well.


この(日本政府の設定する放射能の安全基準値が高すぎることや、日本政府が放射能で汚染された食料品などを‘支援’という名目で途上国に 送ろうとしていることに関する)Eメールを受け取って、始めはショックで信じることができませんでした。しかしそれは、またどうやって放 射能の病が広まっていくかということでもあります。そういう意味では、私たちが‘基準値’と比べるとき、その比較データはゆがめられてい ます。なぜなら、その基準自体が汚染されており、調査されていないからです。
これは本当に非難するに値することです。また私たちがこの技術をもつことができないということを示しています。追い込まれた時、何か恐ろ しいことをしたいという誘惑は大きすぎます....
【オーストラリア/シンディ・フォルカーズ(Beyond Nuclear)】

Mi nombre es Nahuel Agüero y soy activista de Greenpeace Argentina.Les mandaba este mail para compartir mi apoyo en su lucha en contra de
la energía nuclear.


we would like to express our solidarity with the women who plan to do
the sit from end of October till beginning of November.

Us, is an environmental NGO -urgewald. Our aim is to stop environmental
destructive projects by cutting them off from finance.
For quite some time already we for example protest against the financing
of Tepco by the Deutsche Bank.
As we are an almost absolute female organisation (1male:9female) we know
what it means to stand up for your rights in a male dominated society.
Like this we stand by you from human to human and from sister to sister.

We aswell are happy to sign the pres release by IPPNW (Fukushima
warning: protect the population from nuclear hazard) as a supporter.

Yours sincerely.



【ドイツ/カトリン・ガンスヴィント(環境NGOウアゲヴァルト http://www.urgewald.de/)】

Congratulations on your stand against nuclear power. From Canada, I am standing with you, and I will help you in any way I can. Keep up your courageous work. We can make a difference.

Patricia Hartman


Wir als Antiatom-Bürgerinitiativen rund um den Atomstandort Neckarwestheim in Deutschland sind solidarisch mit den DemonstrantInnen vor dem Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Handel und Industrie in Tokio des “Women`s Sit In”. Unsere Welt hat nur Zukunft, wenn wir auf Atomenergie verzichten. Jeder Weiterbetrieb von Atomkraftwerken kann eine erneute Katastrophe wie in Fukushima nach sich ziehen. Unsere Gedanken sind bei den Menschen, Männern, Frauen und Kindern in Japan.

Wolfram Scheffbuch, Vorsitzender des BBMN e.V. (BBMN = Bund der Buergerinitativen Main-Neckar)



To you and your colleagues, sisters, and allies, to let you know I support you in your anti-nuclear protest. Through Greenpeace action alerts, I am aware of the situation you face. You all have to live with a place that has the potential for destruction right on your doorstep and you have to live with the fallout on a daily basis I strongly support the steps you are taking. Please pass this message on.

Yours in solidarity,
Helen Gaudin


Average women taking a stand and becoming heros to us all!!
Thank you to you all for having the courage and resilience to take a stand for what you believe in!!

The world is with you!
"Kia Kaha"

With you in spirit
Ange Warren
New Zealand


I write to express my love, concern, support and hope for your cause. I admire you women for your strength and courage in organizing and demonstrating in front of the Ministry of Economy in Tokyo. We are a world discarded fragments searching for meaning and purpose. We are realizing who is separating us, though we don't know why. We are re-uniting and realizing no power is stronger than our human fellowship and no force is greater than love. We are one and we are all in this together. I am with you- a part of you.

  • Geoff


I live in Christchurch and this year have felt so much closer to the people of Japan than I ever did before.

Im much more aware now how you, like us in New Zealand, live on a long narrow mountainous quake-prone land. perched on the Ring of Fire of the Pacific.
As we lived through the aftermath of our February quake, which was so new for us, and then heard about your dreadful quake and tsunami and the radiation danger, we felt very close to you and very sad for you.
It also made many people here much more aware of the huge danger that nuclear power plants pose, especially in a quake-prone land.

And we have felt so grieved for your young people who came here to study and died awful deaths in our quake.
On my wall I have the newspaper picture of young Kento Okuda, one of that group, who survived the quake - he so inspired me with his calm bravery.

Dear women, I stand with you in your determination to oppose nuclear power and to call for technologies that protect the earth and our fellow-creatures, not destroy it.
Nuclear power is unnecessary, like so much else in our wasteful hyper-consumerist economic system.

Very best wishes

Torfrida Wainwright

私はクライストチャーチに住んでいて、今年は今までよりもずっと日本のみなさんを近くに感じ ます。今、私は、長く狭くて山がちな、地震の起きやすい環太平洋火山帯に位置するところに住むということがどういうもの であるかということがわかります。それは私の住むニュージーランドも同じだからです。
地震の経験は私たちにとってとても新しいものでしたが、2月の地震のあとを生き抜き、そして日本の恐ろしい地震津波、 そして放射能の危険のことを聞いたので、私たちはみなさんをとても近く感じ、そして今回の災害についてとても悲しく思い ます。
ニュージーランド地震で勉強に来ていた日本の若者たちが亡くなったことについて悲しく思い ます。
私の家の壁に、Kento Okudaというニュージーランドで被災した若者についての新聞の切抜きがはってあります。彼の静かな勇気にとても励まされました。
親愛なる女性のみなさん、私はみなさんと共に反原発の決意で立ち上がります。そして、地球や 他の生き物を破滅させるのではなく、守るための技術を求めます。

I've just read about your protest on the Greenpeace International website.
You're all amazing. As women, as citizens - as caring yet loud voices.
When the accident happened I was translating news from the GPI website for the Hungarian office morning to evening voluntarily.
I don't want such a disaster to happen again with anyone either.
Neither in Hungary. We have a big nuclear plant whose lifetime is about to end soon, but the government wants to extend it. And to expand it.
60% of the people don't.
We keep fighting. So do you.

To quote the motto of an EU biodiversity campaign, "We are all in this together."
This is true for everything in life. Including life itself.

With solidarity,
Török Márton

今ちょうど、みなさんの抗議行動のことをグリーンピース・インターナショナル(GPI)の ウェブサイトで読んだところです。女性として、市民として、そして思いやりのある、しかし大きな声の持ち主として、みな さんは素晴らしいです。
あの出来事が起こった時、私はGPIのウェブサイト上のニュースをハンガリー人のために朝か ら晩までボランティアで翻訳しているところでした。このような災害はもう誰にも起こってほしくないです。ハンガリーで も。ハンガリーは寿命の近いおおきな原発が1つありますが、政府はそれの使用を延長し、さらに拡張しようとしています。
EU生物多様性キャンペーンのモットーを引用します:私たちはみんな一緒にいる(運命共同 体)

Dear sisters,
I support you in your upcoming ant-nuclear protest and wish you every success in helping the authorities to hear and understand your concerns.
Take care,
Fionn Peat (New Zealand)
