I’m home

from Malacca; what a relief. I had wanted a rest there, but five days? With no internet? Too long. Way too long. Hari Raya was... uneventful lah. Nothing different from previous years. The open house was on the third raya (yesterday), and I was too absorbed with The Lightning Thief to do much on that day. One strange thing though - I found out that my mother's cousin is married to my colleague's sister. Small world or what? (^_^)

We were supposed to get back to KL last night, but with the rain and all, we ended up going back very early this morning, after which I went to Times Square to get myself a Blythe doll, FINALLY! I had wanted one forever, it seems. In the end I got the Tea For Two Encore (re-issue) because the original Tea For Two has increased in price by a hundred bucks. I could have gotten it, but if I get the re-issue I would have enough to get the furniture as well, so that's what I did!

Pictures (included are pics of my sylvanian stuff which I haven't uploaded) are at my fotolife (http://f.hatena.ne.jp/papertrails/.) The newest photos are on the index page. Every time I upload new photos I will first move the older ones into their respective folders.