Famous conferences

When we are considering applying to participate in international conferences, we have to take several things into account.

Attending conferences offers far more opportunity to present your own research and also provides chances to establish friendships and find possible research partners for the future!

The more well renowned and larger scale conferences are not always beneficial for attendees because at such conferences, time to meet, interact and socialize with other attendees is rather limited. At conferences, such as the AoM main conference, with over 10,000 in attendance, we find that many friendship groups and networks are already established and socializing and joining said groups is very difficult.

Choosing relatively small conferences, such as EGOS and AAoM, is more suited to finding partners.

The following information pertains to popular international conferences in the management studies field.

1. Academy of Management (AoM)
Deadline: January
Conference: August
Location: North America (Montreal, 2010)
Submission: Full paper
Journal: Academy of Management Journal(AMJ), Academy of Management Review(AMR)
Rate for Student: 500$

2. European Groups for Oraganizational Studies (EGOS)
Deadline: January
Conference: July
Location: Eupope (Lisbon, 2010)
Submission: Full paper, less than 15 pages
Journal: Organization Science(OS)
Rate for Student: 255 €

3. Asia Academy of Management (AAoM)
Deadline: May
Conference: December, every two years
Location: Asia (Taipei, 2008)
Submission: Full paper, less than 20 pages
Journal: Asia Pascific Journal of Management
Rate for Student: 150$

4. Strategic Management Society (SMS)
Deadline: February
Conference: Autumn
Location: North America or Europe (Washington, 2010)
Submission: Abstract less than 7 pages
Journal: Strategic Management Journal
Rate for Student: 1000$

5. International Networks for Social Network Analysis (INSNA)
Deadline: Winter or Spring
Conference: Spring or Summer
Location: North America or Europe (Trent, 2010)
Submission: Abstract, less than 250 words
Journal: Networks, Connections
Rate for Student: 40$ + 75$

Every year, the deadlines and the conditions change. For details, please visit the following websites.

My first experience of presenting at an international conference

I would like to write about my first experience of presenting at an international conference: Asia Academy of Management(AAoM). The conference is held every two years and in 2008, I attended with my colleagues in Taipei, Taiwan.

On the first day, the conference gave a welcome dinner. I was unsure of how to socialize with famous professors and other distinguished graduate students. But I managed to navigate the party without incident. After the welcome party, Asoci. Prof. Colpan, and Asoci. Prof. Hikino invited me to go around Shi-lin Night market with Prof. Lincoln. It was my first overseas excursion and a highlight of my time in Taipei.

I never imagined I would get the chance to visit foreign countries during my master course. Foreign countries and international conferences seemed a world away. On occasion, I used to check the cost of airplane tickets to U.S. I was surprised to find the tickets to be in excess of 300,000yen. (But the price proved to be full fare without discounts and reasonable PEX fares.)

However, suddenly the chance to venture overseas presented itself. I cannot explain this chance without mentioning two friends.

First, Dr.Mutarika Pruksapong from Thailand. At that time, she was a Ph.D candidate of Kyoto University in Japan and always offered me a gracious hand of help. She recommended that I attend the Asia Academy of Management and helped me to refine my submission. I was overjoyed upon receiving an acceptance letter from AAoM, but as the conference was approaching, i became nervous and shrouded in anxiety. Dr. Pruksapong was forever calming my nerves, "take it easy" (Mai pen rai in Thai). I have to say thank you Dr. Mutarika Pruksapong, my best friend. Without her grateful help, I could never have presented at the Asia Academy of Management in 2008.

Second, Dr. Lee Walton from U.K.
We met in an English school in my hometown when I was an under graduate. He was generous with his time in helping me complete my paper before the deadline. He always patiently corrects my bad English and aids me in making my papers easier to read(as with this blog). Moreover, he gave me a lot of insightful hints to improve my paper and advice on public speaking from the view point of an outsider. I have to express many thanks to Dr.Lee Walton, my genius friend. Without his dedication, I could not have completed my paper.

My first presentation at the AAoM was poor, but I gained a lot from the experience. I think that it is very important for graduate students who do not have the experience of studying overseas to try presenting
at international conferences. Attending international conferences enables you to access the level of graduate student of other countries. What I noticed from my first attendance was that many Asian graduate student had a very solid command of the English language. I was shocked and disappointed that my English was the worst amongst them.

In closing, I would like to show the accompanying email which I attached with my paper submission for the conference. I wish many Japanese graduate students could attend international conferences in the near future!

Dear Professor XXX:

I am sending this e-mail to apply for an oral presentation in "XXX (session name)" "XXX(your research title)" at "conference name". I attached my paper. Please find my paper entitled " your research title". Thank you in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,
XXX(your name)

New links

I added several links.

First, York Date(伊達洋駆) is a very gifted researcher working out of Kobe University and is a person I have nothing but the upmost respect for. His research and activities are not confined to merely management studies. His elegant and beautiful frameworks are applicable to other social sciences, including psychology, sociology and literature, and moreover critiques. He is already contributing to the practical world of management as a consultant even though he is still a graduate student. He is immediately likable and his academic knowledge shines through his affable character. In addition to all the above, the his way of life is clean and magnanimous. This might be because his role models are great scholars, like L.S. Vigozky and F.Taylor, who are the great and the genius "action researchers". I consider it an honor to be able to call such a sophisticated scholar my friend.

Second, Takeshi Okamoto(岡本健) is my old friend whom I studied with at high school. He is also a creative and critical researcher in sightseeing studies, at Hokkaido University. His research interest is new and unique; "Otaku" tourism. "Otaku" can be translated as "nerd" or "geek", but it is slightly different in that it pertains to a certain area of interest. Namely Japanese sub-culture; ie, "manga", "animation". His research is about promoting a particular region utilizing "animation" and "manga" as a tourist draw. He always makes efforts to improve the quality of heoretical and empirical research in sightseeing studies and in educating younger researchers. He emphasizes the importance of practical-oriented research, which can be applied to real activities.

Third, Michiko Yoshida(吉田倫子) is a prominent researcher at the Fujitsu Research Institute. We met last year at The University of Kyoto, where she is studying Business Administration at the Graduate school of Economics. Her research interests are and varied, from individual consumer behavior to macro economics all over the world. Her standard of research continues to set the bench mark for her peers. Despite her success and standing, she is humble, kind and respectful to all she meets and works with.


 The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of social network structure of researchers on their performance. Although many researchers in management studies are interested in the effects of social structure, there has been little research in this area because of difficulties of access. This research focuses on basic drug research and analyzes the relationship between the social structure of researchers and their performance.

I focused on two of the largest pharmaceutical firms in Japan as of 1980: Takeda pharmaceutical and Sankyo. Using patent data from 1980 to 1999, I induced social relationships among researchers. Based on this data, I made network structure variables and network ties variables to test how these variables affected researchers’ performance. Additionally, I divided the data into two periods: 1980s and 1990s in order to determine causal relationship.

According to the results, past betweeness centrality and the number of current strong ties have positive impacts on researchers’ performance. However, current network constraint and the number of past strong ties have negative impacts on researchers’ performance. I conclude that the effects of network structure and network ties are varied in accordance with times.

Keywords: Social network analysis, basic research, patent