Science For All Americans 第6章 "人体"[6-1]-[6-3]・[6-24]-[6-30]

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Science For All Americans 第6章 "人体"本文リンク


As similar as we humans are in many ways to other species, we are unique among the earth's life forms in our ability to use language and thought. Having evolved a large and complex brain, our species has a facility to think, imagine, create, and learn from experience that far exceeds that of any other species. We have used this ability to create technologies and literary and artistic works on a vast scale, and to develop a scientific understanding of ourselves and the world.

We are also unique in our profound curiosity about ourselves: How are we put together physically? How were we formed? How do we relate biologically to other life forms and to our ancestors? How are we as individuals like or unlike other humans? How can we stay healthy? Much of the scientific endeavor focuses on such questions.

This chapter presents recommendations for what scientifically literate people should know about themselves as a species. Such knowledge provides a basis for increased awareness of both self and society. The chapter focuses on six major aspects of the human organism: human identity, human development, the basic functions of the body, learning, physical health, and mental health. The recommendations on physical and mental health are included because they help relate the scientific understanding of the human organism to a major area of concern―personal well-being―common to all humans.

第6章 人体


私たちは自分自身について深い好奇心を持つ点でも唯一の存在だ。私たちの肉体はどのようにまとめ上げられ、形作られるのか? 他の動物や過去の祖先たちとどのような生物学的つながりを持っているのか? 個人としての人間はどのようにあるのか? 健康でいるにはどうすればよいのか? 膨大な科学的探究がこれらの問いに注がれている。



Among living organisms, much behavior is innate in the sense that any member of a species will predictably show certain behavior without having had any particular experiences that led up to it (for example, a toad catching a fly that moves into its visual field). Some of this innate potential for behavior, however, requires that the individual develop in a fairly normal environment of stimuli and experience. In humans, for example, speech will develop in an infant without any special training if the infant can hear and imitate speech in its environment.



The more complex the brain of a species, the more flexible its behavioral repertory is. Differences in the behavior of individuals arise partly from inherited predispositions and partly from differences in their experiences. There is continuing scientific study of the relative roles of inheritance and learning, but it is already clear that behavior results from the interaction of those roles, not just a simple sum of the two. The apparently unique human ability to transmit ideas and practices from one generation to the next, and to invent new ones, has resulted in the virtually unlimited variations in ideas and behavior that are associated with different cultures.



Learning muscle skills occurs mostly through practice. If a person uses the same muscles again and again in much the same way (throwing a ball), the pattern of movement may become automatic and no longer require any conscious attention. The level of skill eventually attained depends on an individual's innate abilities, on the amount of practice, and on the feedback of information and reward. With enough practice, long sequences of behaviors can become virtually automatic (driving a car along a familiar route, for instance). In this case, a person does not have to concentrate on the details of coordinating sight and muscle movements and can also engage in, say, conversation at the same time. In an emergency, full attention can rapidly be focused back on the unusual demands of the task.



Learning usually begins with the sensory systems through which people receive information about their bodies and the physical and social world around them. The way each person perceives or experiences this information depends not only on the stimulus itself but also on the physical context in which the stimulus occurs and on numerous physical, psychological, and social factors in the beholder. The senses do not give people a mirror image of the world but respond selectively to a certain range of stimuli. (The eye, for example, is sensitive to only a small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum.) Furthermore, the senses selectively filter and code information, giving some stimuli more importance, as when a sleeping parent hears a crying baby, and others less importance, as when a person adapts to and no longer notices an unpleasant odor. Experiences, expectations, motivations, and emotional levels can all affect perceptions.



Much of learning appears to occur by association: If two inputs arrive at the brain at approximately the same time, they are likely to become linked in memory, and one perception will lead to an expectation of the other. Actions as well as perceptions can be associated. At the simplest possible level, behavior that is accompanied or followed by pleasant sensations is likely to occur again, whereas behavior followed by unpleasant sensations is less likely to occur again. Behavior that has pleasant or unpleasant consequences only under special conditions will become more or less likely when those special conditions occur. The strength of learning usually depends on how close the inputs are matched in time and on how often they occur together. However, there can be some subtle effects. For example, a single, highly unpleasant event following a particular behavior may result in the behavior being avoided ever after. On the other hand, rewarding a particular behavior even only every now and then may result in very persistent behavior.



But much of learning is not so mechanical. People tend to learn much from deliberate imitation of others. Nor is all learning merely adding new information or behaviors. Associations are learned not only among perceptions and actions but also among abstract representations of them in memory―that is, among ideas. Human thinking involves the interaction of ideas, and ideas about ideas, and thus can produce many associations internally without further sensory input.



People's ideas can affect learning by changing how they interpret new perceptions and ideas: People are inclined to respond to, or seek, information that supports the ideas they already have and on the other hand to overlook or ignore information that is inconsistent with the ideas. If the conflicting information is not overlooked or ignored, it may provoke a reorganization of thinking that makes sense of the new information, as well as of all previous information. Successive reorganizations of one part or another of people's ideas usually result from being confronted by new information or circumstances. Such reorganization is essential to the process of human maturation and can continue throughout life.

