英検準2級  9月8日(土)

次は9月11日(火)  午後5:30からです。


1. I never realized before how much I depended on it.

2. It takes me a long time to get to school.

3. I nearly always miss my first class.

4. Do come over and see me at this weekend.

5. reply (v) * spare (v) 6. break down * realize

7. depend on ~ * mean (v) 8. awful * need (v)

9. carry * It takes 人 時間 to do. 10. get to ~ * than usual

11. nearly * miss (v) 12. actually * be late for ~

13. twice * look 形容詞 14. look worried * realize

15. helpless * unfamiliar 16. Something is wrong with ~.

17. following (a) * statement 18. until ~ * major (a)

19. locate (v) * be located 20. northern (a) * shore

21. be different from ~ * in many ways

(a)…形容詞 (v)…動詞  (n)…名詞  do…動詞の原形  p.p.…過去分詞
