Revision of Revisionism?

Financial Timesの記事;

Japan to drop war exhibit accusing US

By David Pilling in Tokyo

Published: August 25 2006 03:00 | Last updated: August 25 2006 03:00

Yasukuni shrine officials have agreed to delete a controversial exhibit and discuss further changes to the shrine's military museum, criticised by many for glossing over Japan's wartime history.

Officials from the shrine will meet a leading conservative historian today to discuss the alterations. These are likely to focus on exhibits that accuse the US of deliberately forcing Japan into the second world war, but are unlikely to address more contentious displays relating to the Japanese invasion of China and south-east Asia.

However, agreement to make changes would show that Yasukuni, which has become a flashpoint in Japan's relations with Asia, is sensitive to outside pressure even though it is a private religious organisation.

The museum, which was renovated in 2002 to reflect what many consider a revisionist view of Japanesehistory, is adjacent to the shrine, which honours Japan's war dead, including a handful of convicted war criminals.

Hisahiko Okazaki, a rightwing political commentator, said museum staff and an advisory historian from Japan's self-defence force had agreed to meet him today to discuss potential changes.

The meeting follows acolumn in yesterday's Sankei newspaper, in which Mr Okazaki called for the removal of an exhibit accusing Franklin D. Roosevelt, the former US president, of engineering a war with Japan to strengthen the US economy.

The exhibit says the plan to force Japan into war followed the failure of Roosevelt's New Deal. Mr Okazaki said the shrine had agreed yesterday to delete that reference.

Japan to alter controversial war shrine

By David Pilling in Tokyo

Published: August 24 2006 22:23 | Last updated: August 24 2006 22:23

Yasukuni shrine has agreed to delete a controversial exhibit and to discuss further changes to its military museum, criticised by many for glossing over Japan’s wartime history.

Officials from the shrine will on Friday meet a leading conservative historian to discuss the alternations. These are likely to focus on exhibits that accuse the US of deliberately forcing Japan into the second world war, but are unlikely to address more contentious displays relating to the Japanese invasion of China and south-east Asia.

However, its agreement to make changes would show that Yasukuni, which has become a flashpoint in Japan’s relations with Asia, is sensitive to outside pressure even though it is a private religious organisation.

The museum, which was renovated in 2002 to reflect what many consider a revisionist view of Japanese history, is adjacent to the shrine, which honours Japan’s war dead, including a handful of convicted war criminals.

Hisahiko Okazaki, a rightwing political commentator, said museum staff and an advisory historian from Japan’s self defence force had agreed to meet him on Friday to discuss potential changes.

The meeting follows a column in Thursday’s Sankei newspaper in which he called for the removal of an exhibit accusing Franklin D. Roosevelt, former US president, of engineering a war with Japan to beef up the US economy.

The plan to force Japan into war followed the failure of Roosevelt’s New Deal, the exhibit says. Mr Okazaki said the shrine had yesterday agreed to delete that reference.

An official from Yasukuni shrine said there had been contact between the shrine and Mr Okazaki’s office but declined to confirm whether there would be a meeting today. It confirmed that a review of the museum’s contents was under way.

Mr Okazaki, a strong supporter of prime ministerial visits to Yasukuni, said: “This is very significant. At least we can take out the thorn with the US. This kind of interpretation is unnecessary and inaccurate.”

Thomas Schieffer, US ambassador to Japan, has expressed dislike of the Yasukuni museum, which he says presents a skewed and disturbing view of Japan as wartime victim.

However, the ambassador has refrained from commenting on the controversial visits to the adjacent shrine of Junichiro Koizumi, prime minister, which have inflamed opinion in China and South Korea.

Mr Okazaki said there was no need to alter other parts of the exhibit relating to Asia, even though many historians have accused them of dodging issues such as the Nanking massacre and the use by the Imperial army of South Korean sex slaves.

He defended some of the museum’s apparent glorification of war, saying curators had merely chosen to use contemporary material that naturally reflected the wartime government’s views.

“Essentially, all the exhibitions are testimonies of the time. They produce all the wartime films, which says Japan is right, the enemy is cruel and we have to fight to the death.”

Mr Okazaki said he held particular influence over Yasukuni as a well known conservative. “They know I am pro-Yasukuni shrine, so they thought they could not afford to offend me,” he said.



 「”Beijing University”也可作北大英文校名」『東方早報』2006年8月28日*1

今年の9月から、北京大学の英文表記が今までのPeking UniversityまたはPKUから、Beijing UniversityまたはUniversity of Beijingになる。但し、「書面語中」ではUniversity of Beijingと書かなければならないとあるので、後者がより正式なものか*2。今年の初めあたりから、Peking UniversityまたはPKUという表記が「違反了我国有関法律法規」とか「不符合現代人的閲読習慣」という意見がネット上で噴出していた。
なお、清華大学もTsinhua UniversityからQinghua Universityへ。


*2:これは大学名は正式には地名+ ofで表すという英語の慣習に従ったものである。







これはフランソワ・ジュリアン(『道徳を基礎づける』)が注目し、さらに末木文美士氏(『仏教vs.倫理』)も注目している『孟子』に出てくる梁恵王の話を想起させる。供犠のために儀礼の場に引っ立てられていく怯えた牛を目の当たりにしてしまった王は、牛を放し・羊を替わりに供犠に用いるよう命ずる。これはかなり身勝手に感じられる。牛の替わりに殺される羊はどうなんだ? 末木さんも最初はそう感じていた(p.100)。しかし、ジュリアンはいう;








無援の抒情 (岩波現代文庫)

無援の抒情 (岩波現代文庫)


TV drama highlights life of female Japanese anarchist
Submitted by worker on Wed, 2006-08-23 07:28. History | The Media from the Hankyoreh

Joined with Korean resistance movement during colonial period

Korean television viewers will have the chance to watch a drama highlighting the life of Kaneko Fumiko, a Japanese female resistance fighter and anarchist who planned an assassination attempt on Hirohito, then the crown prince, in September 1923. KBS Special, a KBS-I TV program, will air the two-part drama, titled simply "Kaneko Fumiko" at 8 p.m. on Aug. 26-27 to mark the 61st anniversary of Korean liberation from Japanese rule.

Kaneko Fumiko, a lover of fellow anarchist Park Yol, a fellow Korean independence activist, was one of few Japanese citizens who betrayed her homeland and sided with the Korean independence movement during the Japanese occupation of the Korean peninsula.

Progressives in Japan and Korea have long studied Kaneko’s life. Her political activism came to an end when she was arrested for the assassination attempt on Hirohito, which was plotted with Park Yol. The Japanese judiciary protracted her trial for three years; during the trial, Kaneko and Park justified their assassination attempt instead of trying to make excuses, which often turned the courtroom into a verbal battleground.

The court sentenced Kaneko and Park to death in March 1926 but, apparently bowing to diplomatic criticism from neighboring nations, Japan reduced the sentence to life imprisonment.

Kaneko allegedly strangled herself three months later, though whether she really committed suicide still remains a mystery.

A photo discovered after two years after the arrest of Kaneko and Park also raised questions. In the photo, the two are seen sitting affectionately next to one another in a prison cell. The photo was published in Japanese newspapers at the time, but the Japanese judiciary has never clarified the details surrounding the picture’s origins. Speculation still abounds regarding why the two were pictured together in the cell. Some say it was just a publicity photo, whereas others surmise that they were actually allowed to remain in the same cell as a concession from the judiciary in order to urge them to reveal secrets about the resistance movement.

Kaneko, who had an unstable childhood due to her parents’ repeated divorce and remarriage, was sold to a paternal relative’s house in Korea in 1912 when she turned nine. While living there for eight years, she witnessed the March 1 independence movement. Kaneko became a socialist armed with the spirit of resistance and a will to help the repressed. It was natural that she became associated with Park Yol, and together they waged a struggle to effect a proletarian revolution against the Japanese imperial government.

In writing the script, KBS referred to Kaneko’s biography, written by Yamada Shoji. KBS reporters went to Japan to investigate the mystery of her death as well as the circumstances surrounding the photo, but the Japanese judiciary would not divulge trial records, nor her will.

Regarding the inspiration for making the drama, production team member Yu Dong-jong said, "I wanted to examine Japanese anarchism and the imperial system, a symbol of Japanese militarism."



楚辭―譯註 (岩波文庫 赤 1-1)

楚辭―譯註 (岩波文庫 赤 1-1)

