
CHEN Qing “Aussie novels to be translated” Shanghai Daily 16 March 2007

それに対して、上海と濠太剌利の間ではある文化的プロジェクトが進められている。上海対外貿易学院(Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade)*2と駐上海澳大利亜領事館とANZ銀行による「澳大利亜文学名著翻訳項目」である。現代濠太剌利文学の名作10点を中国語に翻訳するというプロジェクト。そのうち、8点はMiles Franklin Award受賞作であるという。Miles Franklin AwardはMiles Franklin Literary Award財団のサイトによれば、

The Miles Franklin Literary Award, our first and most prestigious literary award, was established in 1954 with a bequest from author Miles Franklin. She was concerned to see Australian literature flourish and knew at first hand the struggles most authors have in Australia.

The Miles Franklin Literary Award celebrates Australian character and creativity and nurtures the continuing life of literature based on Australia. It is awarded for the novel of the year which is of the highest literary merit and which presents Australian life in any of its phases.

Since it was first awarded in 1957 to Patrick White for his novel Voss, the Award has encouraged authors and delivered an immense contribution to the richness of Australian cultural life. Past winners include Thea Astley, Peter Carey, Thomas Keneally, Elizabeth Jolley, Tim Winton, and Shirley Hazzard who won the 2004 Award.

Shanghai Dailyの記事に戻ると、翻訳が予定されている作品には、David MaloufのThree Cheers for the ParaceleteThe Great World、Peter CareyのShanghai DancingJack Meggsが含まれているというが、当然ながら、私は知らない。
なお、ANZ銀行は、2002年に上海図書館に開設された”Australian Friendship Collection”拡充のために7万元を寄付するという。