Michael Honda

Norimitsu Onishi “A congressman faces foes in Japan as he seeks an apology” http://www.iht.com/bin/print.php?id=5679173

今や”one of the most famous American congressmen in his ancestral land”ともなっているマイケル・ホンダ米下院議員をシリコン・ヴァレー近くの自宅にてインタヴューする記事。彼の家系を含む伝記的な事実を初めて知ったので、興味深かった。

Abe's recent comments have sharpened worries, even among conservative American thinkers, that being too closely tied to Japan's nationalist leadership may hurt American interests in Asia. How the Democratic-controlled House votes on Honda's resolution could presage changes in American policy toward Japan, particularly if Democrats take control of the White House.
その”conservative American thinkers”というのは例えば(やはり日系である)フクヤマ*1とか。
